Chapter 9🧡

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Not edited🤧

After a couple of classes Zyon was by himself in the halls. His teacher had let them out way too early before their next classes. He would've went to the library but he didn't have the physical strength to walk all the way back up the stairs.

He saw his sister a ninth grader with a couple of juniors and seniors. Most of the time he didn't have to worry about her much since they didn't have the same lunch hour. Her lunch hour had started which is why she wasn't in class.

"Aye is that yo brother?" Zyon heard one of them ask.

"Yes. I heard he got beat last night for lying." Jasmine says and then rolls her eyes.

"Lying about what?" They say

"For lying about staying at a girls house I think." Jasmine says.

"Wait wait he went to that fat bitch house. I'm weak as fuck." One of his bullies say.
Not all of them bullied him but some of the seniors did physically put their hands on him.

"You talking about precious precious? Ewwww Zyon you're fucking nasty. I see why you got beat on last night. (If only I could jump through this book and beat her ass. Pissed me off and I wrote it💀)

"I see the weirdo likes fat bitches." One of the guys say and walks up to Zyon.

They follow behind him and Jasmine knockdown his books he had in his hand for his next class. Even though he had a backpack on he always made sure to be prepared for his next period.

"I don't understand how y'all are related. Even A'donte didn't like his own weird ass brother." Another one says.

"Even at home he's like this. The thing is he fools y'all he isn't as innocent as he seems. That's why he's always in trouble." Jasmine says knowing she's lying.

Her mom gets on her a lot for lying on Zyon but she knows her dad would always believe her before Zyon. Zyon was the black sheep of the family. Nobody liked him but she noticed her mom would sometimes try to stick up for him. Their dad would always try to shut that down.

She noticed her mom trying to get Zyon to come and eat with them last night after she went and got food but he wasn't coming down. Her father told her he gotten in trouble for lying and he wasn't allowed to eat until he spoken to them.

"Damn so you actually been faking this whole time? Fuck is you lying to everybody for?" One of his bullies say then push him into the lockers.

Zyon falls on the floor not being able to get back up. His bottom and body was sore from last night and he didn't feel to well. The room was spinning. He just wanted to go to class in peace.

"Is he really this weak? Nigga get the fuck up." He heard.

"Pussy ass nigga." Someone says and then kicks him. They didn't want to actually fight him now because he was already on the ground. Dude looked like he'd throw up at any moment and they didn't want that on them.

"When he gets 'stronger' then we'd mess with him but I ain't getting throw up on me." Someone says and they all leave him on the hallway floor.

The bell finally decided to ring. People came out and took pictures of Zyon laid out on the floor. He wanted to yell for help but he saw nobody was going to help him. Teachers never came out to see kids crowding him and filming.

"Aye leave him alone." He heard a girl say. Right behind her were the school's security and they helped her take him to the nurses office.

"Z it's going to be okay. Just take a rest and I'll be back during lunch." He heard her say and then he gets the rest he needed

***************hour later*****************

Zyon was still a little weak but he was able to walk and see clearly. He heard Eliza and the nurse talking.

"He needs to eat. I can tell he hasn't been eating much."

"Okay I'll make sure he eats for lunch. Please don't tell his parents he hasn't been eating much."

"I won't but make sure he eats Eliza. It's not healthy for him to be here and walking he should be home resting. I noticed a few bruises did those kids do that to him?"

"I don't know what all they did to him. I just saw him laying there but I couldn't force all those kids to stop taking pictures of him so I got the security out."

"Okay. Please bring him back if he feels weak again. I will be contacting his counselor now on switching his schedule he can not be in PE if he can't physically do it."

"Okay thank you. I'll go and get him."

"Okay thank you sweetie. Hello-?" The nurse says while Eliza goes to the back room.

"Hey bestie. Are you feeling okay?" Eliza asks.

Zyon nods his head but tears came out of his eyes. He didn't want to cry in front of Eliza but why couldn't he do anything right he thought. He felt like everyone hated him and he couldn't understand why.

"Hey hey don't cry. I told you I got you and I didn't lie about that. Let's go eat." Eliza says and helps him down and carry his things.

He waves the nurse bye and they go to her car. He sat down in the passengers side and watched her drive. He always wanted to learn to drive. He knew Jasmine was learning still but she had her permit already but she had to wait until she was 16 to get her licenses. They were at a stop sign when Zyon pointed to her feet.

"Do you know how to drive?"

Zyon shakes his head no.

"You want to learn? My step dad taught me how to drive maybe he can teach you because I'm not good at teaching people."

Zyon nods but he wanted to wait to learn. He already gotten in trouble so he doesn't think they'd let him go anywhere after this.

"Okay I'll let him know. Here we are. We're at a Chinese restaurant. I come here to get my boba sometimes."

They get out and wait in the short line. Eliza let's the man that is making their plates known that Zyon doesn't speak so be patient with him. Zyon chooses the Chinese noodles (don't judge me I don't know what they're called and I'm too lazy to look them up) with orange chicken. Then Eliza helped him pick out a certain boba drink he wanted. He decided to get a coffee flavored one since he likes the frappe this morning.

They sit down at the table and Eliza pulls out a white board from her bag.

"Here you go. Might make you feel comfortable I forgot I had it in my bag." She handed it to him and open up her chopsticks.

'I want to learn that' Zyon wrote.

"Okay here's a pair. Wrap your hand a certain way and try to open the sticks like this." She shows him.

It took a minute but he finally got a hang of it. They talked and laughed and surprisingly he ate all of his food. He enjoyed it and he hoped that they'd be able to go again because that might be his favorite place to eat now.


I wonder if Eliza should catch feelings first I'm not there yet but I've been thinking.

Should I write another book on abuse but on men being abused in relationships🤔 y'all should help me figure it out idk.


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