Chapter 7🧡

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Eliza's mom had woken up and decided to check up on Zyon and Eliza. She wanted to see what they wanted for breakfast but when she noticed how they were sleeping she pulled out her phone and took a few pictures. She was about to fully walk out the door when she heard one of them waking up. She turned around and noticed it was Zyon.

"Hey love, I had came to check up on y'all. Are you hungry?" She asked him.

He nods his head.

"Okay good. Is there anything you'd want specially?" She questioned.

Zyon would tell her but not being able to each much in his home he's never really had breakfast food. Last time he ever had a full cooked breakfast was before his mother gave up on loving him. He grabs the white board and writes.

'Honestly it wouldn't matter much to me I'm not picky.'

"Okay sweetheart I'll start on it now and I'll let you know when it's done. Okay?"

'Okay. Can I help?' He asks her. He wanted to learn a little something about cooking.

"Awww you wanna help. Sure wash up real fast and head to the kitchen." She says then leaves after he nods his head.

He goes to where he remembered Eliza's room and grabs his face towel, toothbrush, and toothpaste. He washes up then heads to the kitchen.

"Do you know how to cook?" Mrs. Henderson says. (Remind You Eliza's last name is different from her mother's because of her real father. Also her mom is married in this book so her last name will change regardless)

Zyon shakes his head no.

"Okay, Start off with the eggs. Crack the eggs and put it into this bowl. Don't get any shells in that bowl if you do gets some in there take it out with this fork." She explains.

He saw 5 large eggs besides the bowl and cracks them. He was a fast learner and it was a pretty simple task. After he was done she led him onto other foods they were going to cook.

Mr. Henderson smelt the food and came downstairs to the kitchen to see them cooking. He could tell Zyon was enjoying himself. His wife would say something to the boy and he'd laugh. It was like seeing a little kid enjoy their mother's time while helping her make food.

"Hey babe foods done. Zyon why don't you go get Eliza while I set the table." Michelle (Mrs. Henderson) says then Zyon heads to the movie room.

"I see you enjoyed him helping you cook." Justin (Mr. Henderson) says to his wife.

"I did. He's too cute. I wanna keep him."

"I bet you do. You always wanna keep somebody's kids."

"This time I'm serious. I can tell he's not happy it's the little signs."

"We don't know for sure if there really is something wrong with him."

"There is but help me set this table."


Zyon went and woke up Eliza.

"Good morning Z." Eliza says when she fully wakes up.

Zyon waves at her then grabs the board he left in the room.

'Your mom said to wash up then go to the kitchen to eat.' Zyon writes.

"Okay let her know I'm coming just let me go upstairs right quick."

Zyon nods his head and then they both go opposite directions.

"Did she wake up?" Michelle asks.

'Yes ma'am. She's upstairs in her room.'

"Okay thank you love. You can have a seat."

Zyon did as told and about 5-10 minutes later Eliza walks down the stairs and sits next to Zyon. They all grab each other's hand which left Zyon confused but he followed in pursuit.

"Father, Praise You for friendship and family! Thank You for bringing us together today to share a meal. The people in our lives bring us such joy, and we are grateful for time spent in fellowship together. Help us use this time to bond closer as a group, and learn to love each other more. Bless our appetites, both physical and spiritual, to honor You in all we do. In Jesus' Name, Amen." Justin says.

"Amen" Eliza and Michelle both say. After that they get to eating and talking to one another.


Zyon was enjoying his time but he noticed his phone going off constantly so he picks it up.

"Where you at boy?" He heard his father say.

"You better answer me now!"

"Babe leave him alone." He heard his mother in the background.

"Shut the fuck up. Zyon you better bring yo ass home now before you get in trouble." His father said before he hung up.

Zyon gets up from beside Eliza and starts packing.

"You have to go home?" Eliza asks and Zyon nods.

"Okay I'll be in the car waiting."

Zyon finishes packing and then hugs Eliza's parents goodbye and heads to the car. Since Zion doesn't speak they listened until they reached Zyon's house. He made sure to check if anyone was looking before he rushed out of the car. Eliza was hurt he didn't attempt to say bye to her before rushing off. When Zyon got inside he heard.

"Who was that girl?"

Here y'all go🤷🏽‍♀️ The chapter sucks ass and it's short. Having writers block isn't a joke so me not writing for this book my bad but I can't rush a process if I have to actually sit there and write it out before rewriting it on here. This book has plans but the plans I have are extreme so me writing out simple stuff like this is hard and I really didn't want it to sound stupid but enjoy.


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