Chapter 3🧡

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(Hideout room that'll be mentioned in the book^ picture the walls black)

Narrator's POV:

Zyon forgot to set up an alarm to wake up before his parents gotten home. His mother gotten home before anyone did and went upstairs to mess with Zyon. She saw Zyon asleep and walked into his room and locked the door behind her.

*Warning if you don't want to read any farther skip until you see end*


His mother had a "special box" just for when her and her husband wanted to mess with him. She made sure his hands were secured so he couldn't do anything when he finally woke up.

Zyon was starting to wake up from his sleep when he felt someone constantly moving him. He then started to realize what was about to happen to him when he tried to move.
He tried to get her off of him but since he couldn't use his hands and move her she had the advantage to tie him fully.

"I don't know why you're acting like this Zyon. You know you love when me and your father do this. Since your father won't be back due to him working late why don't we have some fun." She says to him.

Zyon had tears coming down his face. Even though he was locked down it didn't stop him from trying to get her off of him. What kind of mother enjoys touching their youngest son inappropriately. Matter of faculty you enjoys touching their kids like that in general.

His mother gets on top of him not clothed and grabs his face.

"Baby boy look at mommy when she gives you something you've been needing for a few days." She says then grabs his face.

He mother forcefully moves his face. Tears streaming down faster as she fixes herself to adjust to him. He felt disgusted, ashamed, embarrassed, really you name it. His mother and father both takes pictures of him as a reminder of what excites them.

His siblings they honestly don't know anything as far as bring molested and raped. They know about his beatings but never the extremes. Zyon feels like if they were to know it wouldn't have mattered anyways they don't care about him.

"Mmm you feel so amazing baby. You missed mommy haven't you." She said as he released.

He wasn't enjoying this but his body reacted. He was actually glad his mother can't have anymore kids due to her personal problems. This wasn't even the worse of what he's gotten. When his father tagged along it was always worse.

"Fuck baby! You're better than your father. I should start using you more by myself." She said then came. She got off and put her moth on him. When she was done enjoying herself she undid his hands.

"You always acted like you hated this but ik you enjoy it. Your body says alot. Next time don't hurt mommy's feelings and be a good boy." She says then leaves out the door.

Zyon unties his ankles and walk into his conjoined bathroom and turns the water on. The bathtub was big enough for him to lay down in. He locks his bathroom door and turns the water off. He grabs his razor from the cabinet and gets into the tub.

In his head for each time he cut he said: Unworthy, unwanted, Kill yourself, and Just end it already.

When he was done cutting he was going to drown himself until he heard his phone ringing non stop. He had to hurry to get it before his mom heard and beat him for having phone calls.

He saw it was a FaceTime call from Eliza😝 so he answered it when he got back into the bathroom.

"Hey- ooo I'm soo sorry I can call back another time. I didn't know you were getting into the shower." Eliza says.

Since they were on facetime he was able to write on the screen instead of texting her on their messages.
'No I'm actually getting dressed.'

"Ohhh I'll let you get dressed and just call me back okay?"

'No it's fine, I'm half way dressed. I'm not naked I promise.' he typed.

"Oh okay cool. I called to see if you wanted to come over and have dinner with me and my family on Friday."

'Its up to my parents if I go.'

"Okay, just let me know. Ummm that's all I wanted to ask. Do you wanna stay on the phone and maybe talk and do work or something."

Zyon wanted to stay on the phone with her because he enjoyed having her around. He felt like he actually had someone trying to get to know him with no judgement. The issue was his family. Then he thought about his hide away that he'd go to when his parents would be done 'messing with him.'

He smiled and replied with 'sure.'
He grabbed his headphones and bag and headed towards his hideout area. Nobody has ever thought to look all over the house when they bought it. Ever since he was 8 he's been going to the hide out area for support since he had no one there for him.

The hideout was in his room (in the mm^). Due to the fact he knows he can't leave when he just wants to. He also loved that it was sound proof so they couldn't hear him and he couldn't hear them. He went inside the hideout and started pulling out his homework.

Most of his work was already finished. All he had to do was about 5-10 questions all together on his assignments.

"I have a question. How do you always have time to do and turn your work in early or on time?"

'I do most of it in class. When my parents aren't here I finish my work. If I don't have time at home I get to school early to finish them before class.'

"That's good. I like that you're smart, it's cute."

He blushed at the thought of her finding him cute. 'Thank you. Why did you decide to talk to me?'

"I felt lonely and tried making multiple friends but it never works out. I've always noticed you and wanted to talk to you but I always got scared because I always got turned down on making friends. I decided to be bold and go up to you and I don't regret it. You're nice, and I fell like people should get to know you instead of messing with you and judging you."

'I like that you don't think I'm weird and thank you for trying to see the real me too I was honestly bored sometimes but I accepted it.'

"No one should have to accept anything they don't want to. 'Make a change in your life' is what my step dad always tells me."

'I'll remember that' Zyon says and then the decide to stay on the phone and the both fell asleep.

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