Chapter 27🧡

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"Heyy brother" A'Donte says.

"Why are y'all here? He doesn't need the stress so turn back around." Eliza says.

"Now you bold?" A'Donte says.

"Yeah when it comes to him. So turn back around and go back out of those doors."

"Ignore him. We're here to apologize." Elaine says.

"He honestly doesn't need that from y'all. Why give a fuck now. Now all of a sudden when y'all's mommy and daddy is sitting in jail? Y'all shouldn't have done anything to him in the first place."

"I understand why your upset because not only did our parents fuck up we did too and I'm genuinely sorry for that. We had no right to do that to him to began with. We loved him in the beginning until our parents convinced us it was okay and ever since then we've been disrespectful towards him. I feel bad because while we were being rude he was getting treated worse by our parents."

"I never realized as to why he was always in my room. I understand now that I fucked up a good ass relationship with the one person who was close to me as a child. We all fucked up. We never understood until we found out by our parents as to why we treated him like that." Christian says.

"We understand if you don't forgive us but we are really sorry." Elaine adds.

"I-I forgive y-y'all." Zyon says.

"He-he just talked." The three siblings say together.

"Don't sound surprised. Your parents are the one who got him to stop talking. The ones who showed him love are the reasons he wants to talk now." Eliza says.

"Sorry we just wasn't going to expect that. We just want to apologize. As grown ass adults we acted like children. Zyon if you never want to talk to us we understand but here's our numbers if you do." Elaine says.

"Where's Ja-Jasmine?"

"Ummm. Well she. To be truthful she isn't sorry. She doesn't even care. She's with grandma right now. They want us to make sure she's good but we have to finish off school before she can live with one of us." Christian says.

"Oh." Zyon says sounding disappointed.

"Don't feel disappointed. It's better off she didn't apologize and didn't mean it anyways. She'll learn you ain't do anything wrong and she'll regret the words she said to you when it's too late. When she does don't give her shit or say anything to her. I have a feeling she's going to go down the wrong path like our parents." Elaine says.

"Regardless he won't owe any of ya-" Eliza starts off.

She gets cut off when he grabs her arm.

"I-it's f-ine. They d-decided to apologize a-and I'm
o-okay with that. I u-understand."

"Im really sorry truthfully. I done you wrong more than these two especially the other night. I didn't mean for it to be that bad. If I'm being honest dad convinced me that I was dumb and he made me jealous of you. You may be younger but you're smarter than us combined. He made me feel like I wasn't shit because I failed behind and you barely knew a thing but your room and school and at school you were picked on. Dad might've did the same to Jasmine which is why she doesn't want to act right." A'Donte says.

"I wouldn't be surprised honestly. That sounds like him. Do you mind if we stay and talk for a bit??" Elaine says.

"I d-don't mi-" Zyon starts but Eliza cuts him off.

"I mind why all of a sudden care is my issue." Eliza says.

"C-can y'all g-give us a moment."

"Yeah." They say and walk to the hall.

"Z really?"

"They're s-still family."

"I understand but how do you know if they do you like that again??"

"I don't b-but I won't h-hold a-a grudge. They're n-not m-my parents. Please I-I want this. I b-been waiting for this."

"Fine but they mess up I'm not holding back."

"T-thank you. I-I love you."

"I love you too babes."

"Can you g-go get them p-please. Then l-lay with m-me"


They get to know each other personally. Some questions were asked like how long have they been dating, what things they liked, how he met his real father.... And etc.

They weren't that bad to Eliza but she was going to continue to watch them.

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