Chapter 15🧡

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Nobody was home and Zyon was laid out on the bed. Staring at the ceiling he ignored his calls. Thinking about how he could end his life once he was able to get up.

His body still ached and he didn't want to get up. He was thinking about running but he ran before and they found him the next day. It was like his family had eyes everywhere watching him.


Is what he heard. It's sounded like Eliza so he shot up even in pain and basically ran downstairs.

"Zyon? Why are you ignoring my calls?" She asked once she seen him.

He shook his head and tried to get her to leave. No telling when his family was going to be back.

"I'm not leaving until you answer my question."

Zyon looked like he was finna pass out and cry. She saw hot tears coming out quickly and decided to walk out the house. Zyon follows her to her car and sits in it and have her drive up a bit so it won't look suspicious.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

'I'm sorry. I just felt like I'd bring you problems and I don't want that.' He typed in her phone.

"You're not. You can't be ghosting me Zyon. I'm your girlfriend not some random chick you know. I was obviously worried about you. What happened?"

'I know and I'm sorry. Nothing, I'm just tired.'

"I can tell you're lying. All of this could end if you just spoke up. Please just tell me what happened." Eliza practically begged him.

Zyon looked at her and broke. He felt he could at least tell her but he didn't want to. He knew she'd say something about it if she knew everything.

"I promise not to say anything just tell me."

'I my parents and family don't love me. I'm like a black sheep I guess. I kinda wish I had a family who cared honestly. All my siblings do is lie or wish for me to die and I tried. My own siblings lie on me so they'd be satisfied on me being beaten. I'm fine because once I'm 18 I'm gone.'

"You do have a family that cares. Me and my parents. They may not be your real parents but they love you like you're theirs. Why wait until you're 18 when you can leave now. This is Texas, there are so many kids who leave their parents house at 17. I can't lose you Zyon because you're not getting treated right."

'You're not going to lose me.'

"How do I know!? Stick up for your self and get away now." Eliza cries.

She was upset he was really going to stay with them for that long. She only knew half of his story. She would've really drove off with him in the car if she knew.

'I will eventually just not now. I'm fine really don't cry.'

He grabs her face and have her look at him. Hiding his pain really well he moves a bit so they're a little closer. He caresses her cheek and kisses her forehead then her lips. He wished he could just tell her baby I'm fine. That definitely wasn't going to happen any time soon.

"Stop you're trying to make me forget." She laughs a bit.

"Umm also I brought this. I forgot until just now. I didn't know if you were hungry and I had to make sure you ate too." Eliza says.

Zyon smiles at her and then kisses her.

"You're welcome Z."

(A/n: How cute are they😁 ready for drama😱)

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