Chapter 1🧡

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Narrator's POV:

Eliza was mostly the center of attention at school. Everyone didn't like her because she was the biggest girl in the school. They had 'thick' people but compared to her they were smaller. They also never found her pretty either. All she wanted was to have friends and be happy. It was her last year in highschool and she wanted an highschool experience. School started tomorrow for them and she was sick and tired of being the lonely ugly fat girl.

She noticed that the mute boy didn't talk to or have any friends and she was going to try to be his friend. She was going to try before but she always got scared to actually talk to him. She was the shy type but now she was going to put that to the side tomorrow and actually speak to him.

Zyon has always been the mute boy since he was 7. Things at home and then getting treated bad at school has always affected him. When he became mute that's when things went farther downhill. He's been wanting friends but nobody wanted to be friends with a weird mute boy.

Nobody understood why he went mute. He lost his 'friends' after going mute and his parents well, they enjoyed it. They didn't have to worry about him telling on them, worry that they'd get caught for the things they've done to him. They enjoyed the pain they cause their youngest son. They enjoy his screams, his cries, and his pleads. When he stopped pleading and went mute they gotten harsher on him.

He wish he could tell the world, tell it out and get away from them. He couldn't wait to graduate and get away. Now, his siblings they don't care about him, never have and never will. They see everything that has been done to him and not once have they tried to help him. There were 5 in total. He was the second youngest. There is Elaine(24), Christian(21), A'donte(19) , Zyon(17) , and Jasmine(14).

They always got what they wanted. Zyon had to work for what he wanted. His parents didn't mean to have Zyon it was an honest mistake that night when his mother conceived him. His grandmother made sure his mother had Zyon before she died because it wasn't his fault he was conceived that night. His mother well she cheated on his father with another man. Zyon doesn't know that though.

His parents were having a rough time in their relationship and they both went and did their things. Having Zyon made it worse for the both of them. At first his mother loved Zyon but loving Zyon pushed her husband away and she didn't want that. When Zyon reached the age of 5 everything was changed.

Eliza had a loving mother and step father. When her father died when she was 6 she started gaining more weight than she was before. Food was and still is her coping method. Since she didn't have friends to talk to about her problems she turned to food. She could've went to her mom but at the time her mom was really going through it. It's hard talking to someone who wasn't there when she needed her due to her own personal issues. 

Her mom almost lost her good paying job due to depression until she met a man years later. About the age of 9 her mother met a man who helped her through her depression. He made sure they were fine, had what they needed and wanted. He was genuinely a family man. He always wanted children and meeting a family who needed someone during hard times he couldn't pass it.

Her stepfather loved helping people. When he wasn't busy at work he was busy helping others in the need of help. Eliza wanted to be just like him when she grew up and she was planning on doing just that.

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