Chapter 17🧡

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Zyon, Sariah, and Joshua arrive at Eliza's house. Zyon wasn't too happy but being near his happy place cheered him up a bit. They get out of the car and knock on the door and Eliza opens it. Sariah and Joshua walk upstairs to her parents room.

"Hi Z. What's wrong?"

Zyon shakes his head basically saying nothing. Eliza didn't want to press the issue so she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Eliza heard feet coming down the stairs and let go of Zyon.

"You got your stuff packed?" Michelle says.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay. Here's money even though I know Josh got you. Hi my baby. It's been a minute since I saw you." Michelle says and after hugs Zyon.

"Zyon I heard you got an app on your phone you could use to talk." He heard Justin say.

"Really?! That's cool." Eliza says.

"Until He is ready to talk or he wants to get something out but doesn't want to write it he can just type it and it speaks for him. It's not like a voice machine who mispronounce things it's really like a actual persons voice."

"That's cool. Do you like that better than writing?" Eliza asks.

Zyon nods his head.

"He has to get used to it but eventually he'll be using it a lot. Are y'all ready to go?"

"Yes sir." Eliza says.

"Well let's go. We'll see y'all later."

Everyone says bye and Zyon grabs Eliza's things and walks out to the car.

"I like how Zyon finally gets to know his real dad. It was actually a surprise that you're his father."

"I was shocked too but me and Sariah definitely wouldn't mind him being my son."

"I encouraged him to look for Zyon once we met him at your house. He wasn't too sure Zyon could be his until he saw his mother. Then he knew Zyon was his son or potentially could be his." Sariah says.

"I missed a lot in Zyon's life but I'm here now and if I'm busy I know Sariah will be there for him. Oh if you ever want to stay with us for a while you can. We're your family now. You get to meet the rest of my family too eventually. They'd love you." Joshua says.

Zyon types in his phone "Okay. That's cool I'd love to meet them eventually."

"Ight bet. We're here."

They all hop out of the car and go inside. Joshua pays for all of them to play unlimited games. After a bunch of games they will meet up after to eat. Then Zyon and Eliza will spend time together and then they'd leave.

"Since y'all are supposed to be bonding me and Aunt Sariah will go this a way."

"Okay. Ready?"

Zyon shakes his head yes and they part ways. Joshua and Zyon goes to Super Shots first.

"I'm definitely about to beat you kid. I'm a pro at basketball."

Zyon laughs and shakes his head no.

"Oh really. Don't be laughing at me." Joshua laughs and they start the game.

At first Zyon didn't make a shot but he caught on and let's just say he won out of the two.

"Hey that was a lucky shot.

"Not really. You just suck." Zyon typed.

"Not too much on your old man. I used to be a pro. Captain on the college basketball team for years. I would've drafted into the NBA but I didn't."

"That's cool. Why'd you stop." Zyon types.

"It's not something I wanted. I wanted to make a different life for myself so I went into business and really enjoyed it."

"That's cool."

"Is there something you always wanted to do." Joshua asks as they walked to their next game.

"Not really. I wanted to be a teacher or go into business or something like that. I don't really think too much about it." Zyon types.

"If business is what you want in the end I can help you. Maybe if you decide you can take over once I retire. I didn't know who'd I'd give it to since Sariah couldn't have children but I'm glad I have a son now and I feel like if that's what you want you can take over."

"That sounds cool."

"Good but this next game I'm definitely beating you."

"Okay sure."

They play for a while and Zyon was finally starting to feel comfortable around Joshua. He felt safe and he could actually trust him.

Once they were done playing games Zyon was getting hungry. He hasn't really eaten in weeks and his stomach was growling louder the more he's smelled food. They met the girls at a table they chose and sat down.

"You can get as much food as you want." Joshua says to everyone.

They order their food and appetizers. Joshua got to know a little more about Zyon. Zyon was like a closed book. He didn't open up much and he didn't really do much things as he could tell.

Usually kids knew what they liked, wanted, hated, and etc. but Zyon didn't know much or didn't do much. It surprised Joshua and Sariah that Zyon couldn't tell them what he's done growing up because there was honestly nothing he could tell. He couldn't tell you half of the restaurants in Houston. He couldn't tell you any areas you could hangout either.

"He may not know what he likes but little things you could tell he really likes them."

"What's that?" Zyon typed in.

"Well I know you like frappes, boba, ice cream, you also told me you liked the mall."

"That's good to know. How do you like Dave n busters so far?" Joshua says.

"It's really fun." Zyon types.

"That's good. If you want to come here anytime just let me know."

"Okay." Zyon types.

"So when is your birthday?"

"May 19."

"Alright cool." He was thinking about throwing him a party.

They continue on with conversations and after they were done eating they split ways so Zyon and Eliza can spend time together.

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