Chapter 21🧡

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"I'm going to fuck up his day all day. We never let him enjoy holidays why now."

"Babe he's enjoying his time. Leave him alone. We already put him in a bad mood isn't that enough."

"You know it's not. He's not here to take my anger out on."

"And for you to sexually abuse."

"Bitch you do it too shut up. Don't think I don't know you use him when I'm not here also."

"I just feel like while he's out with Joshua we should leave him alone. We could loose our kid if Joshua finds out what we are doing to him."

"Like hell we will like I was saying I'm going to make his life hell today and my actual kids will help with that too."

"You never listen to me."

"Cuz I'm the man of the house not you. You do as I say not the other way around."



'Eliza go to sleep.' Zyon writes.

"But why."

'You won't wake up on time at 12 to open gifts if you don't go to sleep'

"Ugh fine."

They lay there while staring at the ceiling.

"Z don't get mad but the one gift I want which isn't on Christmas. Is to hear you talk. I'll wait for as long as possible but that's one gift I really want." After that she went to sleep on his chest.

Zyon laid there thinking of a day he'd ever talk. The only way that'll happen is if he's about to die or he's truly free. That'll never happen so he'd probably never say a word.

"EVERYBODY GET UP. CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!!" Every one can hear Eliza yell.

"Eliza why do you have to tell?" Her mother says.

"Because we have to celebrate our time together."

"It's 12 in the morning."

"You weren't even sleep that long babe you're fine. Let the kids have fun." Her step father says.

Everyone sat in front of the tree and Eliza's step dad said a thankful prayer. The twins father brought all the gifts when the kids were asleep so they can have all their presents.

The twins went first and after the adults went. Lastly it was Eliza and Zyon's turn. They open their gifts from the adults and then they'd open each other's gifts last.

"Z open my gifts first." Eliza gets up and grabs her gifts for him.

Zyon got a Compact Refrigerator, Nike jacket Air Force 1's white, Gold chain, Nike jumpsuits, Led lights, Crocs, 2k, Madden, GTA, and Cod for the game system her step dad got him. Lastly a Happy box(if upset to draw out of the box if Eliza wasn't around to cheer him up)

Eliza got Matching bracelets to match with Zyon. (Justin thought was cute) More things to decorate her room, Stuffed animals, Anklet, a Pandora bracelet, Spotify glass they had to order. Earrings,Nike suits, Vans, Crocs, and a Name necklace with his name on it.

"Y'all are too cute."

"Sis you got everything on camera?"

"Yes I did."

"I remember those days. The puppy love stage. Don't ever let anyone ruin y'all. Y'all may not admit to y'all dating now but don't let nothing intervene."

"Yes ma'am. Now let's head back to bed so we can cook later on today. Good night."

"Good night."

Everyone goes separate ways and Zyon grabs Eliza's hand and takes her to the backyard.

"What's wrong?"

'There's one more gift I didn't give to you.' He types into the thing so it reads out loud.

'I wish I could say this to you. One day I will and that'll be the day I ask you marry me. This is show you how much you mean to me. You mean the world to me. I don't know too much about love but I can say I love you. Here's a promise ring. I promise to always be there for you as you are for me.'

"Awwww Zyon this is really pretty." As he put it on her.

"You even got us matching ones?" She asked when he pulled something out.

Zyon nods his head and puts it in her hand.

"I promise that I will always be there for you even when it gets tough. I love you too." Then she puts it on him.

They kiss a bit before heading up the stairs to go to sleep.

Short chapter Ik🤦🏾‍♀️ 730 words is terrible it gets better.

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