Chapter 2🧡

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Narrator's POV:

Zyon was always the first one to get to school only because he didn't want to be home. He made sure to leave before anyone had woken up. One time he stayed back and he regretted it. His father beat him for supposably "waking them up" even though his brother was the one to do it.

The main things he mostly wears to school is a jacket. His wrists always had to be covered due to his scars from him and his family. He wished he could just die at any moment so his family would be happy without him and he'd be happy to be free of them.

Why be a bother when he could just die. He wanted to but each time he tried someone or something would always save him. He hated it but he's starting to think that he has a purpose to be on this earth.

Eliza was always on time and was never a bad person. She loved learning and was always on top of her grades. Yea maybe Zyon beat her on getting to school quickly, and grades wise but she'd never hate him for that.

He seemed like a nice kid to her and thats why she decided to show up a little earlier just to talk to him. School doors wasn't opened yet so she knew he'd be standing there waiting for the school to open. She was nervous honestly. Doors opened in like 30 minutes so it was now or never. She finally got the courage to walk up to him.

"Hi! Umm I always see you around school and umm I was wondering if we could be friends." Eliza says.

He looked at her weirdly. Nobody has ever spoken to him unless they wanted to pick on him or physically hurt him.

"I know you don't talk and I'm fine with that. I don't have any friends and I decided it's my last year and I wanted to actually have friends. I know what you're thinking and I chosen you to be my friend nobody else. It's no funny stuff either I truly want to be friends with you. You look nice and I promise you being friends with me you'd enjoy it. What do you say? Friends?" She says.

Zyon was confused. Why all of a sudden she decides to make friends their last year there. He's saw her around school and she looked sad most of the time. It was like she was missing a piece to her. People picked on her for not being skinny, never having friends, or actually dating someone.

He was scared to be friends with her but he gave in and decided to be friends with her.

"Since I know you don't speak and I respect that. Do you have a phone so we can communicate to each other?"

Zyon hands Eliza his phone and she typed her number in and saved it as 'Eliza😝' then texts her phone number.

"I'm going to save your name as 'Zyonnn💚'. We have a few classes together, wanna walk to first period with me?" She asks.

'sure' he texted her.

The bell rung so they'd know it was time to go inside the building. Eliza would speak and Zyon would text back to respond to her.

As for the school, they were watching. Wondering how did the weird mute kid and the fat girl become friends and when.


Lunch time has came around and Eliza has seen Zyon sitting at the table by himself. She did drive to school today so she could've went off campus, but her stepfather texted her asking her what did she want for lunch. She remembered seeing Zyon never eatsvfor lunch so she asked him to bring Zyon something too.

Her stepdad never minded due to the fact she was actually feeding and helping someone at school. She went outside to get the food from her dad.

"Who is this food for?" He asked her.

"It's for my new friend. He's never eating during lunch time and I wanted to change that."

"Okay. Start seeing what he likes and then we can start getting him what he wants. Have a great day babygirl. Me and your mom will be home late due to us going on a date. You don't have to wait up because we might not show up. Also you don't have to worry about Jaela and Jaelyn because they're going to grandma's."

"Okay bye dad, thank you and I'll see you later." She says then walks off.

She heads back into the cafeteria and sits down in front of Zyon.

"Hiii! I brought us food. I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to eat and you not eat anything." She says.

He smiles at her and picks up his phone to say 'Thank You'. People were minding their business but they ignored them and had a great time together.


Towards the end of the day she noticed Zyon walking home. It was going to rain so she decided to stop her car and gets his attention.

"Hey Zyon get in. It's going to rain soon." Right when she said that it started raining. He got into the car and waved at her.

"One thing you need to know about me Zyon is if you ever need something just ask me. Don't feel like a bother because I don't mind doing anything for someone especially you since you're my friend. We'll be best friends soon before you know it. I hope you like me. Oh put your address into my phone." She says then opens it for him.

He puts in the address and was praying A'donte or Jasmine wasn't home. He'd be in trouble if they see her car and he gets out from it. He knew his parents wasn't there due to the fact that they were working. He just wanted to enjoy his time not worrying about getting into anymore trouble.

They reach his "house" and he uses his notes to tell her 'thank you for the ride' and heads inside. No one was home luckily but he knew after these 5 hours were up all hell would break loose. Thinking about his new friend he grabbed his phone and texted her 'I like you too' before dosing off to sleep.

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