Chapter 24🧡

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She walks downstairs and see's Zyon at her door but what she didn't understand was why he was covered in bruises.

"Z? Come on." Eliza says then leads him inside and into her room restroom.

"Who did this." She asks as he sat on the toilet.

He looks at her and cries. She tries to hug him but he winces at the pain.

"Who did this? Some of these are old and these have to be recent."


"You don't have to talk. I just need to know. Where's your phone? Is it dead?"

Zyon nods.

"Okay let me grab my phone and take pictures of you."

She grabs her phone and take pictures of every bruise and in the mist of it she hears.

"I-I l-l-love y-you."

"Did you jus- you just talked. I love you too." Eliza was shocked and happy.

"Stay here imma be back."

Zyon nods. She goes into the hall and called Joshua.

"Hey ladybug."

"Hi umm I was calling to let you know that Zyon was here and we need to meet at the hospital."

"What's wrong with my boy?"

"I honestly don't know but he's hurt."

"Ight please take him let me get dressed I'll see y'all then."

"Yes sir bye."

"Bye ladybug."

Eliza walks back into the restroom.

"Come on Z we're going to the doctors."

"N-n-no." Zyon says with tears coming out.

He didn't come so he can out his parents. He just wanted help. He should've known help would cause him to get into more trouble. He didn't know if he was willing to talk.

"We have to. You need to be treated and I'm not taking no for an answer. Let's go."

They arrive at the hospital and the doctors rush him into a room.

"Where's my son?" Joshua asks the lady at the desk.

"What's his name sir?"

"Zyon Mills. He's 17."

"He's in room 214 I'll show you."

"Thank you."

She leads Joshua and Sariah into the room and leaves.

"What happened?" Sariah asks.

"I don't know he showed up to my house like this. He won't tell me who did it. The doctor will be back shortly." Eliza says.

"Zyon who did this to you? We can't help you if you don't let us know."

Zyon looks at his hands and plays with them. He had tears coming down. Because he was 17 his parents would be there soon. He just knew it.

"Zyon talk. This is enough. No more hiding for the people who is doing this to you. It's time to speak up about or else I will take action."

"Hello sir." The doctor says as he walks in.

"Hi doc is he going to be okay?"

"Mentally I don't think so. His ribs are fractured so we might put him in a brace for a while. His bruises they will go away eventually. I want to do a rape kit on him."

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