Chapter 13🧡

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A'donte was just about to turn a certain corner in the restaurant when he notices his brother sitting at a table. He also saw him laughing and smiling. Something he didn't do at home with them. To A'donte he looked genuinely happy.

"Babe what are you looking at?"

"You see my brother?"

"Oh shoot that's Zyon. Is that who I think that is with him?"

"Yea he got a crush on precious. My sister told me how much they be together at school and stuff. I should go bother him."

"Forrrr What?" His girlfriend asks.

"Because this isn't supposed to be happening. He's not supposed to be happy."

"Leave him alone. Y'all always pick on him. We was there when your father kicked him out. He has the right to hang out with anybody."

"Do it look like I give a fuck bout my brother. No the fuck." A'donte takes a picture of him and then walks up to their table.

"Hi brother." A'donte says and Zyon freezes then looks at him.

"What are you doing here? Does dad know you're out and about and eating out?"

Zyon shakes his head no and looks down. Regardless of what Zyon says their father would never believe him.

"Soooo why are you out eating instead of being at home?"

"Babe just leave him alone. This was supposed to be our night and you're ruining it." His girlfriend says.

"Babe chill the fuck out. As I-"

"Son back away from the table. He has the right to eat out with us. You're obviously here to just hurt his feelings. That is your brother grow up and stop acting like a child."

"I don't give a fuck who you are and what he is to me. Zyon be prepared to get in trouble when you get home." A'donte says then him and his girlfriend leave.

Zyon gets up and goes to the bathroom. Was tears falling? Yes. Was he scared? Scared was an understatement, he was terrified.

Justin gets up and follows him to make sure he's alright.

"Zyon which stall are you in?" Justin asks.

It was really quiet but he knew Zyon didn't lock his stall for some reason. He opened the biggest one and saw the boy on the floor crying. Curled up in the corner facing the wall. Zyon didn't hear Justin walk in nor say anything because he was in his own world.

"Zyon? Are you okay?" Justin asks and then touches him but Zyon reacted to the touch.

He jerked hard and his cries got louder. He kept shaking his head no over and over again and tried to run from Justin. Thinking it was his parents he didn't give much thought.

Justin couldn't calm him down and he had a feeling his wife wasn't going to be able to either. Justin steps out of the stall and calls Eliza on his phone to get her to come into the bathroom.

He informed one of the workers that his son was having a panic attack and if it was okay if they didn't send anyone in just yet. The worker let her boss know and they were fine on it.

Eliza walks into the stall and see's Zyon shaking, crying hysterically, and shaking his head no. She didn't know how to react to it so she slowly walks towards him. She gets down to his level and turns his face towards her.

"Zyon? It's going to be okay. I know you're probably not thinking straight right now but it's me Eliza. I need you to calm down for me."

"Liza imma be outside waiting for y'all okay? I'm going to speak to them to see if we could get our food to go."


Justin walks out and Eliza looks at Zyon again.

"Zyon." Eliza says then caresses his face. He was used to her doing that with her acrylic nails. He leans into her hand a bit.

"Breathe slowly okay? In and out, in and out. You'll be fine Zy and you want to know why? Because you have me. Remember the promise we made to each other. I'll always be there when you need me."

Zyon looks at her. It was still a bit blurry to him but he remembered where he was at. He felt embarrassed this happened in front of everyone. He just knew going home there was going to be trouble and he was scared.

"You Okay now?" Eliza questions.

Zyon nods his head and leans against the wall.

"That's good and don't scare me like that again okay."

Zyon looks at her and nods again. He didn't know how to react but he kisses her. As in a thank you since he couldn't physically couldn't say it right now. Eliza got the hint and that's what he liked about her. Little gestures he did she understood him without any bad thoughts.

"Your welcome Zy." Eliza says as they broke apart.

"Hey is everything okay?"

"Yes dad he's fine now. Can you help him up?"

"Yea sure." Justin walks into the stall and helps Zyon up to his feet.

The boy was still shaking and they didn't know when he would stop so it was best if they helped him out of the restaurant.


Eliza's parents didn't want Zyon to go home after he ate and rested but Zyon knew he had to. Eliza had dropped him off and he was sitting in his room when his parents called him. His older siblings haven't left the house yet so they were downstairs too along side A'donte and Jasmine. He looked at A'donte and A'donte was smirking at him.

"What is this I heard about you eating out at restaurants with girls? You got money?" Richard asks him.

Zyon shakes his head no and looks down.

"Look ate me boy when I'm talking to you. This is the second time A'donte has caught you hanging out with that girl and her family. They treat you better than us huh? Answer me boy."

Zyon wanted to say yes so bad but he shook his head no.

"Then why the fuck are they doing shit for you? I should beat yo ass but just wait until I come back. That family doesn't love you like you think they do."

"Nobody likes you Zyon not even us. Why don't you just kill yourself." Jasmine adds.

"Jasmine enough!" Kristi says mad.

"What mom I'm being honest. I don't understand if we don't like him why keep him around just get rid of him. It's simple y'all just like to be complicated. If I didn't like somebody they can either get kicked out or leave orrr they die simple." Jasmine says.

"I agree but not the dying part. He doesn't talk anyways he's just a burden on all of us." A'donte adds.

"We don't even live here anymore and we can see that he gets in trouble a lot more now while he's hanging out with that girl." Elaine says.

"Your mother knows why he's still here and he's going to stay here until I say he can leave. Add what y'all want but if I say jump he's going to jump. Elaine and Christian lets go so I can take y'all to the airport." Everybody walks out except Jasmine.

"I don't see why they keep you around. Your presents annoys me. I hope you die better yet go do it now. You won't be missed." Jasmine says before she goes to her room.

This wasn't the first time she said that to him. Out of every sibling Zyon had, Jasmine also had despised him the most. She couldn't even tell you a good reason on why she didn't like him. None of them could. They see how their parents act towards him they kind of followed along with it.

Zyon goes to his room and waits for his parents to show back up and give him his punishment.

Letting y'all now I am fine and I'm WAYY much better. I've been slacking on my books. I started back school this Tuesday and ever since then my schedule has been crazy. I started going back to practices and working hard to get the solos I have now in my show and the solo I got for choir. I'm also falling behind in class so I've been trying to catch up since I've gotten covid. I should've made time to make a schedule for my books and I will, no more excuses.

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