Chapter 25🧡

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"So I hear your name is Zyon correct?"

Zyon nods.

"Okay can you tell me what's been going on and is it okay if I take pictures of your statements?"

He nods again then grabs his dads phone and types.

'I never thought I'd be here i thought they'd kill me honestly or id kill myself. It was until I met my girlfriend Eliza. This has been going since I was 7 could've been younger but I block a lot out. I always felt they loved their biological kids better than me. Nobody ever believed me so I kept quiet and went mute until today."

"Why do you feel like they treat you differently."

"Because my mom cheated on him and had me with my father Joshua."

"How does your siblings get treated?"

'With love. They get spoiled and loved. They see what my parents do to me such as yelling and hitting and they decide to do it back to me."

"Have they ever seen you get sexually abused."

'No ma'am. My parents made sure to hide that from them. My dad almost got caught by one of them but he quickly lied and it resulted in me getting hurt really bad that night."

"Why haven't you spoken up about it sweetie?"

'I was scared. I still am scared. Nobody believed me and I tried so hard before I went mute. The moment I went mute things grew worse for me. I'm scared to even talk because I feel like I'm going to be hurt again. Nobody understands what I've gone through. I just wanted to die and maybe that would make my life way much better for me and them."

"I'm so sorry. Who brought you here and what has happened recently?"

'My girlfriend. I was put in the basement after I got back from my dads house for the break. My step father told me that I was going to get punished for wanted to know my father when I got back. I got punished and they put all my stuff into the basement. They made it seem like I broken up with my girlfriend and I didn't want to see my father. Only time they came in the room was to hurt me physically and mentally. Once I noticed nobody was home I searched the basement for a way out. Then I went to the only person's house I knew how to get to was my girlfriends."

"Ahhh I understand. I promise you justice will be served sweetheart. Thank you. I will see you tomorrow if I have anymore questions for your case. Get some sleep okay?"

Zyon nods and waves bye to the detective. Eliza, sariah, and Josh come back into the room.

"Me and sariah will be back we're going into the station. I know it's late but I'll bring you back some food and you need to eat all of it Zyon. Eliza please watch him. If anything happens call me."

"Yes sir."

"Bye Z. Bye ladybug."

"Bye guys."

"Babes im so sorry that this happened to you. Im glad you're getting the help you needed this whole time." Eliza says.

Zyon nods and pat to the bed.


"U-up here."

Eliza does as told and lays next to him.

"Babe I love your voice."

"T-thank y-you."

"I don't ever want you to go back mute again. You're free now and nobody's going to hurt you."

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