Chapter 6🧡

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Dinner was over and Eliza took Zyon upstairs to her room bathroom. She was going to let him shower in her bathroom while she showered in the guess bathroom.

 She was going to let him shower in her bathroom while she showered in the guess bathroom

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(Eliza's bedroom and bathroom above^)

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(Eliza's bedroom and bathroom above^)

While he was showering he was wishing he had at least someone to love him like the way Eliza's parents loved her. He couldn't even remember the last time his mother held him lovingly like she does his other siblings. He cried the whole time he was showering. He just had to let it out.

He wanted a loving family, he wanted a house he could call home, and he wanted to just be happy. Eliza makes him happy but is that really enough? The hole in his heart was already far too deep to really be repaired he wanted everything she had. He got dressed and sat on one of the chairs in her room and waited on her to finish.

Eliza walked in her room and saw Zyon waiting on her. She put her stuff up and stood right in front of him.

"I'm excited are you?" She asks.

He nods his head and gives her a thumbs up.

"That's good lets go. Wait I have a question. Do you want a hug? I don't want to just hug you without permission." She says nervously. She had a feeling he needed one.

Zyon shrugs his shoulders as in a it doesn't matter type of way. Eliza opened her arms and wrapped them around his torso. She lauded her head on his chest and kind've held him for a minute. Zyon's feeling were all over the place. He needed the hug and it felt great having someone just hold him.

"Come on, I want to show you the movie room." Eliza said excitedly.

Zyon follows Eliza downstairs into a hallway and started noticing some pretty colors coming from it.

(Movie room above^)

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(Movie room above^)

"I helped my mom decorate it. I honestly want to be a home designer when I graduate. I helped design the house, I felt like it needed a little change. Also here is the whiteboard and the marker. The snacks are over there let me get them." Eliza says.

Zyon thought it was cool she wanted to be a designer. He honestly never thought of anything he wanted to do but he knew he wanted to leave his house. Eliza had came back and sat next to him on the floor. She had snacks in a bag, loads of blankets and pillows.

"Is there anything you want to do when you graduate?" She asks him.

Zyon picks up the board and writes 'I haven't really thought about it but I'd probably be a teacher or business management.'

"Ooo that cool. I can see you being a teacher honestly. You're really smart but I believe you can do both."

'Really?' He writes back.

"Yea. If you believe you can do it, I believe you can do it. Believe in yourself and I'll always be your number one fan because I know you can do it."

'Thanks and I know you'll be a great home designer' he tells her.

"Thank you. What movie do you want to watch?"

'Doesn't really matter, I like all genres.' Zyon writes.

"Okay cool lets watch Sextuplets. I heard it was really funny." Eliza says then puts the movie on.

She grabbed one of the beanbag pillows and leaned it against the couch and got comfortable. Zyon saw what she did and did the same because he started to get uncomfortable being on the hard floor for too long. They both were laid out next to each other laughing at the movie.

2 movies later Eliza finally had the courage to ask Zyon a serious question. She didn't want to be rude but she just wanted to ask him.

"Hey Zyon I have a question. If you don't feel comfortable you don't have to answer it honestly. So my question is have you ever thought about talking?"

The question threw him off but he still decided to answer. 'No not really. Its been a long time I just completely forgot.'

"Well if you ever decide to do it one day, I really hope I'm the first one to hear it."

Zyon thought about what she said. He felt like if he was to ever talk it was because he really needed to and that hasn't come yet.

'Okay I promise you'll be the first person to hear me talk.' He replies back.

"Pinky promise?" Eliza said holding up her pinky. Zyon locks pinkies with her and they kiss their thumbs to seal the promise.

Zyon thought of a game they could play together. It was 21 questions to get to know each other a little bit more than the basics.

'21 questions?' He wrote.

"Sure!" She replies and pauses the movie.

'Full name?' Zyon asks.

"Eliza Ann-Marie Blue. What is your full name?"

'Mine is Zyon Delonte Mills. What is your favorite food?' He asks.

"My favorite food is spaghetti. How many siblings do you have?" Eliza asks.

'I have four but including me there's 5. How many do you have?' He asks.

"I'm the oldest actually. I have 2 twin brother and sister. They're at my grandparents house tonight. What do you do for fun?"

'Umm I actually never do anything. This is the first fun thing I've done.'

"Wait really? Since you're my first friend this is the first one thing I've done with friends but family wise I most of the time have fun. You never have fun with your family?" She asked confused.

Zyon shook his head uncontrollably. Eliza noticed and changed the topic by asking another question. They continued the game until the gotten to the end of the questions.

They decided to finish the movie then they had a dance off. Eliza won but Zyon actually had fun after she convinced him to dance. After they decided to eat loads of ice cream. It was about 4:30 when they finally tired out and went to sleep.

While they were sleeping Zyon completely forgot Eliza was sleeping next to him. He subconsciously wrapped his arms around her in his sleep.

(Pretend that's them😁)

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(Pretend that's them😁)

Eliza felt him on her but she didn't think too much of it and went right back to sleep.

Y'all I have so much planned out for this book y'all don't even know. I honestly feel like they are just too cute. This book has to be my favorite book. Anyways I hope y'all enjoy😁


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