Chapter 22🧡

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(I forgot to add the rings last chapter but the promise rings above)


"Are you ready to go back home Z? School starts back tomorrow." Josh asks his son.

'Can you take me to school?' Zyon types.

"Yeah I'll drop your clothes off before I head to work. Zyon I'm letting you know now. Yes I haven't been there because I honestly didn't know but I want to be there for you until I die. Promise me you won't let anything happen to you and if so can you talk to me. I can't lose you.

'I promise to let you know if anything goes wrong.'

"I'll take your word on that. When Sariah gets home we're going out to eat."

'That's fine.'

"Okay. I just wanted to let you know I love you and that I'm always here for you. I'll tell you when we are getting ready to leave."


Joshua walks out after that. Zyon cuts his game back on but Eliza calls right before he started playing.

"Hi babes. What you doing?"

He lifts up his phone and shows her.

"That's cool."

Zyon types a message on the FaceTime screen and it said 'wyd?'

"I'm designing that thing my mom gave me for Christmas. I was wondering what did you want to do for lunch tomorrow?"

Zyon shrugs he didn't really care. He writes on the screen it didn't matter.

"Okay. I'm thinking about canes or something."

Zyon writes 'tomorrow dad is taking me to school tomorrow. Do you want me to grab you breakfast instead of you getting it?'

"You can. Where are you going?"

'Starbucks or McDonald's?'



Josh walks in Zyon's room because he forgot to give him something.

"Z I forgot to give you something. Hi ladybug. What are you up to?" Josh says.

"Hi Josh. Nothing designing. What about you?" Eliza says.

"Picking out my clothes for tonight and tomorrow but I came in here to give Z something. Z this is a card. I need you to take good care of it. You can spend it on whatever. It'll let me know where you go just not what you bought. Don't lose it. If you do let me know as soon as you realize it's gone so I can deactivate it and get you a new one. The PIN number is on that sticky note but memorize it so you can put that paper somewhere for keepsake. That's all I wanted to tell you. Get dressed sariahs here." 

Zyon nods his head and Josh leaves the room.

"Where are y'all going?" Eliza asks.

'Dinner.' Zyon writes.

"Sounds fun. Have fun babes I love you."

'I love you too.' He writes before they hang up.

Zyon gets dressed and sits down to play his game before they had to leave.

Next morning

"Have a good day son. Tell Eliza I said good morning and have a good day." Josh says.

Zyon nods.

"I texted your mother saying I'm dropping your bags off in a minute. Don't forget what we talked about. Call me or text me if you need me. Bye son."

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