Chapter 30🧡 (last chap)

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A couple months after they graduated Eliza and Zyon move in with each other at their first apartment. They decided to go to the same school but he was going for business and she was going do interior design.

As for what happened between them months ago well.

Zyon doesn't have a stuttering/speech impediment anymore. Is he still shy around others yes but when it comes down to helping his father with business there's no nervousness there.

As for Eliza her passion for design has increased. She had a plan for their apartment and made that happen before they moved in. In school she's making sure she stays on top of her class.

Zyon was at work while Eliza was with her mom and god mother.

"Are you sure you're not sick. You don't look so well." Michelle says.

"I'm fine. Just a common cold." Eliza says.

"You're probably right. If it gets worse Eliza blue you better call me or tell me I'm not playing."

"Yes ma'am."

"Zyon just texted me and said they were on their way. His siblings are coming as well." Sariah says.

"I'm glad you bonded with them. Jasmine??" Michelle says.

"No I've tried. That little girl has so much resentment towards everyone except for the three that takes care of her. Eventually she'll grow up and learn. Even though those children done wrong they didn't have "real" parents to show them right for wrong so we try to be there for them."

"Awww I knew but I didn't know y'all gotten closer to them."

"They call Joshua pops and me ma. We don't mind it they need someone in their lives."

"I can't wait to see my baby Z. He's been so busy to stop by." Michelle says.

"I felt that. He barely calls or texts anymore."

"At least Liza and Joshua keeps us updated or we'd go insane worried about that boy."

"I'm sayin- Ladybug go to the bathroom hurry up." Sariah says when she notices Eliza's face.

Eliza runs to the bathroom and throws up.

"She's definitely sick." Sariah says.

"Liza go upstairs and relax we'll bring you your food." Michelle says.

"Mom I'm fine." Eliza says.

"No you're not. You might've gotten the flu. You know it's going around. Get your ass upstairs and lay down."

"Momm." Eliza whines.

"Don't mom m-"

"What's wrong??" Zyon asks as he walks in the kitchen.

"Thank goodness make her go relax. She's sick and I know it's the flu." Michelle says.

"Come on baby."

"Fine." Eliza sighs.

"Oh you listen to him and not me. Shaking my damn head."

They make their way to her old room and she lays on the bed.

"Imma get the medicine imma be back." He says and walks to the medication cabinet.

"I see you updated the bathroom."

"When I'm lonely and you leave for business with your dad trips I come here and sleep. It gets lonely at home and I miss you a lot."

"Im sorry baby." He says and kisses her head.

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