lost and scared

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can't feel the pain when were miles away♨️☃️




"we've been lost forever" i groan as corbyn rolls his eyes pulling me through the crowd of people, as my feet began to get tired, as he continues to drag me. "i don't wanna be here" i whimper. "does it look like i wanna be here?" he yells throwing my wrist away from him as we stop walking. i look down, kicking at the rocks, afraid of eye contact.

"i'm the only one putting effort into us getting home, while you're fucking complaining" he shouts as he turns around, beginning to walk away. i let out a deep sigh.

"i'm sorry" i mumble as i catch up with him, placing my hands into my pocket, as the cold hit them sending shivers down my spine. "too late for apologizes. i'm freezing, i'm scared and i wanna get home. you've been on your man period this whole time" he groans walking faster.

"me?" i question furrowing my eyebrows. "last time i checked you're the only one yelling" i snicker as he turns around. i frown as i see water in his eyes, hands in his pocket as he had no hoodie, goosebumps covering his body. i sigh.

"i'm yelling because i'm scared. you're giving me attitude because you're scared." he whimpers as he turns around. "will get home" i reassure him as rolls his eyes.

"you're the oldest jonah and you're complaining about it. i have no idea where i'm going, i need you. please, come back to me" he whimpers as i take my hoodie off, pulling it over his fragile body, holding him close, doing anything to protect him.

"thank you" he mumbles, as he places his head into my neck, clutching my shirt into his fists, holding me close for my warmth.  "let's head on" i smile as i grab his hand interlocking it with mine as we walk down the cold streets of an unknown part of town.

i turn my head looking in every direction looking for any sign that we're close, keeping my hand in contact with corbyn's cold one. i then see a billboard we had passed on our way here, sighing in contempt. "we're close" i smile as corbyn perks his head up.

"seriously?" he asks for reassurance, as i nod.

"see that sign?" i point to as he nods. "we passed it on the way here, which means were close" i smile as he lets out a deep breath fog leaving his mouth. my eyes wide as we giggle.

"can we go?" he giggles as i pull him to the direction of the hotel. i smile as i see it in view, as corbyn cheers, finally finding our way to our comfort place, hands still interlocked, as i never wanted to let go. i turn corbyn's face so he was now looking at me.

i glance down at his lips, licking mine gently wanting to feel his on mine.

"jonah" he whispers as i shush hi.

"just let me kiss you" is the last thing i say before placing my lips on his, him wrapping his cold arms around my neck, pulling me closer as my hands are on his hips.

we both pull away, smiles covering our faces, as it all felt so right.

"i think i'm in love" he giggles, as i hold him tight.

"i've been in love"

a/n sweet_cloudy_dreams gave me motivation for this, because she just hypes me up. love u papi😘

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