i love you both

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"stop arguing

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"stop arguing. i belong to you both" corbyn yelled, pushing his boyfriends apart from each other.

"but you we're mine first" daniel argued.

corbyn turned to look at jonah who had tears falling slowly from his eyes. the pain in the oldest boys face was evident.

"okay keep him then" jonah nodded.

he picked up his phone and walked out of the room quickly.

"i know you love me and i love you too, but we all agreed to be in a relationship together. i love him too. i'm his too. stop being an asshole. corbyn yelled, shoving daniel and chased after jonah.


"baby wait" corbyn caught up to jonah who was already towards the extremely long hallway.

"don't call me that. your his. according to him i was never important" jonah wiped his tears away even though they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

he walked down the stairs, corbyn close behind, that's when both boys realized their family was coming over later.

neither needed or wanted company over.

"jonah please just talk to me" corbyn grabbed his arm.

"let go of me damn it! i'm not with you anymore, that's not what he wants" jonah yelled pointing towards daniel who was now at the bottom of the stairs.

"fuck what he wants, he doesn't get to control my life, i want you!" corbyn yelled back, drawing more attention to himself.

he suddenly felt nervous and he was closing in on himself. he turned to see everyone staring at him, including his parents and jonah's. he wanted to puke. he turned out the front door, sliding down the wall.

tears and sobs left him all at once. he didn't wanna lose daniel nor jonah. he loved them both, he wanted to be both of theirs, but neither of them made it possible for the to happen.

💟inside the house☪️

"see what you caused" daniel complained.

"i caused it" you're the one who started it all" jonah yelled back in his face.

"get out of my face!" daniel yelled.

"fuck off" jonah yelled back.

"i fucking hate you jonah" daniel yelled.

"well i fucking love you!" jonah pushes him back.

by now everyone had went into another room. jonah and daniel stared at each other, it was the first time jonah had admitted his love for daniel, because after all, he loves corbyn with his all, and losing him wasn't an option.

"i love you" jonah whispered again.

"i love you too" daniel answered.

both boys leaned forward and shared their first kiss together. corbyn walked right back inside right at the moment. relief and happiness flooded his body.

"guys?" corbyn asked softly.

the two pulled away and looked at him.

"come here" daniel opened his arms.

corbyn sped walked into them, feeling jonah's arms wrap around the two.

"i love you guys, but you can't argue over me. you have to share."corbyn mumbled hiding his head in jonah's chest.

"we will corbs." jonah mumbled back as daniel agreed with a nod.

"let's go to bed baby boy" daniel said picking up corbyn and leading him to their room. he placed him in the middle of the bed, daniel and jonah quickly cuddling in beside him.

both embracing him in their loving arms.

"go to sleep baby boy, dani and i will be here in the morning" jonah whispered giving corbyn a soft kiss on his forehead.

corbyn gently fell asleep in between both the boys he loved arms, he was happy.

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