p.s. your way better

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corbyn woke up tangled in his blankets on his bed, he groans and sits up looking at the time

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corbyn woke up tangled in his blankets on his bed, he groans and sits up looking at the time.

"fuck" he shouts knowing he was late for breakfast. he gets dressed fast and runs down stairs.

"glad to see you've arrived" tate smirks, hand intertwined with jonah's. "shut up" he spats out sitting down beside daniel.

"you talk to me like i'm shit" she says, all eyes on corbyn. "weren't you the girl that said "wear your masks" but then a week later was found in public not wearing one? i'll respect you, when you can respect your own words" corbyn says, laying back in his seats. he looks over seeing all the boys holding back laughter, including jonah.

he smiles and looks up to the ceiling.

"you know corbyn. you should get yourself a boyfriend. ya know? someone who actually likes you" she slays out. hands running through her hair.

"same goes for you" corbyn smiles.

"actually, jonah and i are deeply in love" she smiles out, hand on jonah's thigh.

"if he's dating you, that's not love. that's some desperate shit" corbyn speaks before getting up and leaving the room, sitting on the couch in living room.

he suddenly hears his phone go off and pulls it out, smiling at the contact name.

i love you.

no no no. you love tate dahl🥰

not really. she treats you guys like shit.
and smells really fucking werid.

yeah, cause she looks like dog shit. i could do so much better.

you're way better in bed than she is. your always so fucking tight. god fuck-

you could have this tight ass every night, if you just fucking broke up with her.

i might just take you up on that offer ;)

corbyn sighs and turns his phone, as he goes to stand up he's pushed against the wall.

"jonah" he says, looking him in the eyes.

"it's daddy to you" jonah smirks, leaving kisses on corbyn's neck, leaving marks. "mm fuck" corbyn whimpers out. hips bucking.

"shh. don't want anyone to hear those pretty little moans now do we?" jonah asks. unbuckling his pants. "now get down on your knees princess"

corbyn immediately gets down on his knees, grabbing the base of jonah's wet cock, pumping it a few times before wrapping his lips around the tip.

"fucking hell. take it all" jonah groans out in pure bliss. corbyn rolls his eyes, pressing a kiss to jonah's tip, before wrapping his wet lips around the head. his eyes never left jonah's.

he slowly sinks down lower, pumping the rest he couldn't take with his fist. you then uses his tongue to alter between running it along the vein on the underside and swirling it around the head.

jonah looks down, and shit does corbyn looks so fucking innocent, as his eyes stay on jonah's, head bopping at at fast past. quiet groans leave jonah's lips, as corbyn uses his tongue again.

corbyn pulls off with a wet smile, and swollen lips. "use my mouth jonah, that's why i have it" the younger closed his mouth around jonah's cock once more, feeling jonah's hand go to his hair, bobbing corbyn's head on his own.

"oh shit" jonah groans out.

"pull off before i cum" jonah smirks as corbyn pulls off. his lips swollen.

jonah then picks corbyn up by his thighs taking him to his bedroom,
locking the door, before slamming corbyn onto the bed. hovering over him.

"so gorgeous" jonah speaks as he takes off corbyn's shirt, cocks rubbing against one another's as they both make out heavenly.

jonah then rolls his hip down, corbyn moaning in the process. "fuck jonah. you have a girlfriend" corbyn whimpers our. hard ons rubbing against each other's.

"since when do you care about her feelings." jonah says, lips attacking corbyn's neck.

"i don't. not at all. i hate her" corbyn whimpers out. "then let's not think about her right now"

"jonah please" corbyn moans out. wanting nothing but friction. "what do you want love, tell daddy what you want"

"mm finger me. please"

jonah smiles satisfied at corbyn's manner and pulls down his boxers. his aligns his fingers with his hole and slowly pushes them in.

"oh fuck yes" corbyn moans, feeling nothing but pleasure flow through his body. "feels a' good" he whimpers out, clenching the duvet in his fists.

"so so so pretty like this" jonah says adding another finger.

"fuck. right there. don't stop daddy, don't." corbyn shouts out, as his finger hit his prostate.

"you gonna come love" jonah asks, feeling corbyn clench against his fingers.

"fuck yes" he groans out, feeling the knot in his stomach only tighten. "faster daddy" he mumbles, feeling jonah go faster.

"m'cumming" he whimpers, as he sprays his comes on his chest.

his eyes close as he feels tiredness overwhelm his body.

jonah cleans them both off, and lays down beside him.

"goodnight jo" he mumbles.

"night love" jonah says kissing his forehead.

"p.s. your way better than her" jonah whispers in corbyn's ear, feeling him smile against his chest.

"i know" he mumbles, sleep over taking him.

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