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corbyn woke up to his boyfriend being drag out of their bedroom by men taller than them both and cloaked in black suits.

"j-jonah"'corbyn screamed.

corbyn sat up as fast as he could and rolled out of bed quickly.

"why are you taking him" corbyn yelled anger taking over his body.

another man in another suit grabbed corbyn and pulled his skinny body down the stairs and held him in place.

jonah was placed in the center of the living room, a gun put up to his head. the sight made corbyn scream as loud as he could.

the next thing heard was a loud gunshot, blood coating the man and jonah's head, blood was soaking through the carpet and jonah's lifeless body lied there. corbyn screamed louder than anyone had ever heard in their life. it put the room at a stand still. corbyn took another breath before letting out another scream just as loud as his body caved forward and fell to floor.

"corbyn calm down" eben pulled off the black mask, showing him and stating that it wasn't real. the rest of the boys pulled of their masks, revealing, daniel, jack and zach. they all agreed to help jonah with a prank for his youtube channel for halloween.

corbyn couldn't help the thirst scream that erupted from his throat.

"corbyn in okay." jonah sat up and pulled him into his embrace.

corbyn's body shook with fear as he clung to jonah's body. pulling at anything he could get his hands onto. he was pulling at jonah's shirt, bawling the fabric up with his fists.

"n-need to feel you." corbyn whispered, lifting the shirt up making jonah take it off.

"i'm here now love, i'm sorry corbs" jonah whispered back, feeling guilt wash through his body.

"you died i-you-we" corbyn was choking at his own words.

"baby it's okay now. i'm here no angel" jonah held his boyfriend's face in his hands.

"i-i-i can't live without you" corbyn choked out.

"you don't have to corbs. i'm right here. you feel me right?" jonah asked pressing corbyn's bare chest against his own.

"see? that's me. i'm fine" jonah kissed corbyn's lips softly.

corbyn wrapped himself around jonah and clung to him. jonah stood up, corbyn not letting him go.

"jo i'll clean this up" jack pointed to the fake blood on the carpet.

jonah smiled softly, thanking him. he turned and carried corbyn up the stairs.

"you wanna take a bath?" jonah asked.

corbyn nodded softly and held onto jonah tighter.


"corbs?" jonah whispered.

they had been in the tub for a while now and the water was cold.

"hmm" corbyn hummed, griping jonah harder. the boy was not letting go for anything or anyone, anytime soon.

"the watera cold. let's get out now" jonah kissed his forehead.

"okay" corbyn whispered.

jonah got out and quickly lifted corbyn out of the tub. he wrapped him in a towel and followed him into the bedroom.

"i have a question" corbyn asked.

"what is it baby?" jonah asked.

'can w-w-we sleep naked?" corbyn asked softly.

"why?" jonah looked up at him.

"i uh- i wanna make sure your there and i'm not dreaming" corbyn clung tighter to the towel.

"yeah baby we can do that" jonah smiled softly.

"you can wear boxers" corbyn giggled out, pointing to the boxers in jonah's hand.

jonah smiled and slide them up his long slender legs. he handed corbyn a pair too.

corbyn put them on quickly and buried himself in the blankets quickly after.

"oh my gosh, your so fucking cute" jonah smiled and crawled into bed next to him.

jonah pulled corbyn closer to him, running his finger through his soft brown locks. soon enough corbyn was asleep, his chest pressed against his boyfriends tightly and his face nuzzled into his neck.

"i love you so much corbyn, i'm sorry i scared you like that." jonah whispered, kissing his forehead before falling asleep with him.

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