jet ski accident

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"jonah i really don't wanna do this" corbyn speaks up from behind jonah who's putting his life jacket on

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"jonah i really don't wanna do this" corbyn speaks up from behind jonah who's putting his life jacket on. "come on love, it'll be fun" jonah states with a little frown.

"what about sharks? those things can be really fucking evil. and i'm cute jonah, i need my face! what if it eats my face? what if i di-" corbyn starts but jonah interrupts him.

"stop talking like that. think of the positive things, you, me riding on the water during the sunset. that's hella romantic" jonah smiles grabbing corbyn's hands kissing his knuckles, making corbyn smile.

"i am one for romantics" corbyn giggles out making jonah's heart flip.

"i'll be with you the whole time angel. i'll keep you safe" jonah speaks pulling corbyn close handing him a life jacket. "you look really hot right now" jonah says causing a blush to spread across corbyn's face.

"this shit is bulky as hell" corbyn says ignoring jonah's statement causing a laugh to escape from jonah's mouth.

"it might be bulky, but it will keep you safe" jonah smiles.

"now let's go" corbyn shouts grabbing jonah's hand pulling him to the jet ski. "someone's eager" jonah chuckles.

"i just wanna cuddle into your back and enjoy the sunset on the water with the love of my life" corbyn spats out, forgetting about the sharks and all the evil things below them, just a few feet under.

jonah starts the engine, corbyn immediately wrapping his arms around his waist, laying his head on his back letting out small breaths, enjoying the air hitting his face.

"you smell really good" corbyn laughs out. jonah smiles and stops the engine in the middle of the sea. he turns around on the jet ski facing corbyn, with nothing but love. "i love you so much" jonah speaks, placing his forehead on corbyn's.

"i never wanna lose you jonah" corbyn sighs out. jonah lifts his head up, eye to eye with corbyn smiling at the hair sticking to his forehead. "you won't. you won't" he speaks placing his lips on corbyn's sharing a good 10 second kiss.

that's when corbyn feels something odd around his feet that were dangling in the water. "jonah" he says starting to panic.

corbyn let's out a sharp scream before his body is dragged off the jet ski and into the water, blood sipping through the once clear blue water, causing jonah to panic. he immediately stands up and looks for corbyn in the water.

"corbyn! baby! where are you!" he yells frantically. that's when he sees corbyn's hair floating above the water, as he sees a shark fin swimming towards his body.

he immediately jumps into the water swimming as fast as he could, as tears fall down his face. he grabs corbyn and flips him over.

then jonah feels something grab his shoulder and bite it, causing him to let out a scream of pain. he kicks the shark in the nose, grabs corbyn and tries his best to swim back to the jet ski.

once he gets there he lifts corbyn's body onto the jet ski, groaning as the pain in his shoulder was killing him.

he jumps onto the jet ski, tears running down his face, from the pain and for corbyn.

"jonah" he hears corbyn speak. "it hurts" he cries out. "hold on baby, where almost to shore"

corbyn lifts his head and gasps at jonah's shoulder. "jonah, your shoulder" he cries out, scared as fuck. "don't worry about me, we're gonna be okay. i know it"

immediately he stops the jet ski once they reach shore, civilians seeing the blood running to their aid. one picking up corbyn, who's hip was attacked brutally by that son of a bitch.

"help him" jonah speaks wincing at his shoulder. "where getting him help, an ambulance is on the way, just stay still" the civilian speaks, adding pressure to jonah's shoulder.

jonah then hears sirens blasting. next thing he knows he's being lifted onto a stretcher and being taken into the hospital.


a couple hours later jonah woke up to daniel, jack and zach sitting beside his bed, all staring his arm. he sighed and sat up, glancing at his shoulder.

it was wrapped up with blood stains sipping through.

"hi" he mumbled causing everyone to look up from their spots on the floor. "jonah. thank the fucks you're okay" jack sighed out in relief.

jonah smiled. he was so glad he had amazing band mates who were always there for him.

"yeah yeah yeah. where's my boyfriend?" he asked concern laced through his voice.

"he's unconscious right now, but he's going to be okay. the doctor said he's going to need some therapy for his hip and he won't be able to perform until it properly healed" zach whispered as jonah through his head back.

"fuck!" he yelled. "this could of been fucking prevented, he didn't even wanna go in the water bro, he was so scared and i told him i'd protect him, but now look we're we are" jonah shouted out at the boys as soft tears ran down his cheeks.

"god i love him so much" jonah sobbed out as jack brought him into a hug.

"he loves you too" jack smiled at his best friend who smiled back.

soon enough the doctor walked in with a clipboard and a pen asking for the boy's signature. "corbyn besson is awake" he states.

all the boys smile knowing he's going to be okay.

"now, he lost a lot of blood, you both did. like i said before, he'll need therapy to properly heal his hip, but you and him will both be walking out of here tomorrow alive and healthy" the doctor smiled out.

"he's gonna need help walking as well" the doctor chuckled as it was common sense.

"thank you. thank you for saving him and protecting him. thank you for everything" jonah said, his heart full as he knew his beloved blonde boyfriend was going to be okay.

the boys eventually helped jonah out of bed and into corbyn's room. as they walked in, they saw their blonde friend laying on the bed, with his hair sticking to his forehead, but his beautiful smile never left his face.

"hi love" jonah spoke walking over to him.

"hi jo, i missed you" he giggled out, arms wrapping around jonah's neck.

"i'm so glad your okay" jonah said, tears falling down his cheeks. "hey hey hey. none of that love, i'm going to be okay." corbyn said making jonah smile and slid onto the bed with him.

with some help from daniel and zach, corbyn layed his head on jonah. jonah being cautious, wrapped his arms gently around corbyn as corbyn kissed his neck.

"i love you so much" corbyn spoke, face nuzzled into jonah's neck.

"i love you so much more my love, so much more" jonah spoke as well.

that's when all the boys knew everything was going to be okay, corbyn and jonah would heal, and start fucking on the sofa again and go on romantic dates filled with nothing but love, they were going to be okay and nothing could stop that.

not even that son of a bitch shark named george.

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