we like you

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EXTRA: this was requested^ and it's a three way with daniel, corbs and jonah🥺

I WROTE ANOTHER LOVE SONG BABY ABOUT YOU💔EXTRA: this was requested^ and it's a three way with daniel, corbs and jonah🥺

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"corbyn" i yell from the front of the bus, shaking out my hands; as i had just washed them. "yes" he says babyish as he skips into the front area, jumping into my arms as i catch him, giggling softly as i place my hands under his thighs to support him. "i feel sad" corbyn says as i sit on the couch cradling him, as i rub his back up and down gently. "why love?" i ask as he he looks at me with that beautiful glow in his eyes.

"i like someone" he sadly says as he begins to pick at his fingers, my mind hazy at the words he had just said. "me right?" i hesitantly say as he shakes his head, me immediately throwing him off my lap as i stand up, facing him as he's still seated on the couch.

"who?" i yell as he he throws his head back groaning. "jonah" he whispers as my heart breaks into millions. "how long" i gently say, not wanting to get worked up. "a while" he mumbles as i sigh, taking my seat back down beside him, as a few tears roll down my face, but continuing to pull him into my chest in the process.

"i don't care who you love, i still love you" i quietly say as he straddles my waist, cupping my cheeks. "i still love you silly goose" he says as i furrow my eyebrows."but you just sai-" i begin to say as he interrupts me. "i like him, yes. but i love you" he cheekily says as i roll my eyes.

"lets ask him out then" i proudly say as i stand up, reaching my hand out to grab his. "wait what" he smiles as i smile back. we make our way outside, to where jonah had been; frowning once we see his arms around zach's waist. i look over to corbyn as tears filled his eyes, as he ran back inside; catching the attention of jonah and zach.

i shake my head at the two, as i walk back inside to find corbyn huddled under the blankets in his bunk, warms delicate tears, falling down his face as i gulp, knowing how felt, as i had liked jonah for a couple months now, keeping it to myself.

"i hate him" corbyn mumbles as i sadly smile. "you don't hate him love, you just don't like him right now" i tell him, as i run my hands through his hair as he grunted, my fingers getting stuck in a couple knots, holding him close as we fall asleep to each other's warmth.


i slightly smile down at zach as i held him close, loving the warmth his body radiated, as we stood outside, talking about our 'boy' problems. "how long have you liked him?" he asks me as i shake my head looking away; embarrassed. "jonah" he says tapping my shoulder.

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