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"what's gonna make you happy corbyn? i'll do anything" jonah held onto the sobbing boy, his chin resting on his head

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"what's gonna make you happy corbyn? i'll do anything" jonah held onto the sobbing boy, his chin resting on his head.

corbyn didn't say a word, only turning around to to grip jonah's black hoodie with the words "marais" written on it.

"you want my hoodie?" jonah asked and looked down at his upset boyfriend.

corbyn nodded quickly. jonah pulled the material over his head and slipped it over corbyn shaking body. corbyn cupped jonah's face with the cuff of the hoodie, tears still running down his face miserably as he let out broken breaths.

"calm down baby boy, you're gonna be okay" jonah whispered, holding onto his baby tight.

"i-i he told me i was a mistake!" corbyn sobbed.

"you aren't a mistake" jonah purred into his ear softly.

"he hit me and made me leave!" corbyn cried harder.

"he hit you" jonah asked, rage filling his body.

"he always does" corbyn spike clinging onto jonah's shirt like he was going to disappear at any given moment.

"okay okay come here" jonah rubbed his finger through corbyn's soft locks.

corbyn wrapped his arms and legs around jonah, his head against his chest. jonah held on to the boy who was sobbing even harder now. all he felt was hatred for corbyn's dad. the man that was once a great father, that became corbyn's demon. all jonah wanted to do was beat the shit out of that little demon, but corbyn needed him right now and there was no way he was leaving him alone in this condition.

"corbyn, you aren't a mistake. your beautiful, kind, loving and sweet. please don't believe anything he says. he's wrong" jonah purred softly and kissed corbyn's ear lobe softly.

"i am a mistake" corbyn admitted.

jonah knew corbyn didn't mean it, he knew that corbyn was going through a bad spot and he had to deal with the fact, corbyn was going to talk bad about himself.

"yah you are" jonah smirked.

corbyn looked up into jonah's eyes. hatred filling replacing the hurt.

"w-w-what!" he whispered.

"yeah" jonah said flipping his hands over looking at his nails, like some petty bitch. "you are a mistake, god that's why your not confident in yourself." jonah said.

corbyn stood up from jonah's lap.

"i am too confident!" corbyn yelled turning around looking him in the mirror.

"i'm beautiful just the way i am. and if you, nor my dad agrees, than i don't want neither one of you in my life. i love myself" corbyn yelled out, mainly talking to himself.

jonah stood up with a smile, smiling that corbyn finally admitted he was beautiful.

"you are beautiful" jonah spoke wrapping his arms around his waist. corbyn turned around facing jonah. "w-w-what"

"i knew if i made you mad enough, you'd finally talk good about yourself love. your beautiful and your definitely not a mistake. like you said, if no one agrees, leave them. i love you so much" jonah spoke from the heart.

corbyn smiled. "i'm glad you didn't mean it."

"i could never mean that" jonah spoke colliding his lips with corbyn. they both smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"thank you" corbyn whispered, forehead on jonah's.

"anytime love" jonah smiled.

"want your hoodie back?" corbyn asked.

"no baby. keep it. i know they make you feel safe." jonah said interlocking their hands together.

"they always remind me about how lucky i am to have someone that loves me. i feel protected and when i'm upset, they always seem to make me feel better" corbyn whispered.

"you can wear my hoodies anytime"

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