period cramps

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"jo jo" corbyn calls out looking for his lover around the room

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"jo jo" corbyn calls out looking for his lover around the room.

as he tried to get up he felt that familiar pain in his stomach, he cried out and placed his hand on his stomach, to smooth the pain.

"jonah please" he cries out. he falls back onto the bed and crawls into a ball, letting out a series of whines.

he then hears his bedroom door open and immediately sits up.

"jonah" he whines, while making grabby hands.

jonah picks him up and places him in his lap, corbyn rests his head on jonahs shoulder.

"what's wrong baby" he frowns as corbyn whines.

"time of m-m-month bubby" corbyn whimpers our, wrapping his arms around his petite waist.

"aww baby. you want medicine?" he asks gently knowing how quickly his moods can change.


jonah lays corbyn back on the bed and kisses his forehead. "i'll be right back sweetheart" he says, while walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

"fuck" corbyn whines, shifting around on the bed to get comfortable.

"why does god do this to me, why can't he just shoot me a text once a month that tells me "you're not pregnant" "corbyn whines as jonah walks back in letting out a chuckle.

"love" jonah starts as he rubs corbyns back. "i know it hurts and i have no idea how it feels, but i'm right here and i brought you some medicine sweetheart"

corbyn smiles and nods his head.

"i hate this" he says. jonah wraps his arms around corbyns waist and buries his head into his neck from behind.

"next time we fuck, i'll just get you pregnant on purpose so you won't have to deal with this"

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