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i pray to god let me die in my sleep❤️

WARNING[S]⚠️: handjob- requested



i smile as a walk up the stairs carrying a tray of food and medicine as jonah woke up earlier in the evening, with a high temperature and signs of a cold. "baby?" i hesitantly say as i walk into the room, upon entry hearing groans coming from the bathroom.

i sit the tray down and immediately run into the bathroom, rubbing his back as he continued to release contents into the toilet, me flushing it once it got to full. the smell burning off my nose hairs. "let it out" i mumble, trying not to get sick myself.

he then leans into my side as i attempt to pick him up, that coming to an immediate stop as he denied it. "you can't carry me, m' bigger than you" he groans as i nod my head, completely agreeing with his statement. he slowly walks to the bedroom, as i hold his wrist making sure he didn't fall.

he lays down on the bed groaning as he falls into his pillow. i frown.

"i hate that your sick" i mumble as i lay down beside him.

"there's nothing you can do" he says in between coughs as i nod, wrapping my arms around his abdomen and placing my head on his chest gently, as he kissed the stop of my head. "god shit" he yells as he pushes me off him and runs into the bathroom, slamming the door as i sit on the edge of the bed, not really knowing how to handle the situation anymore.

he then opens the door with his arm around his stomach, groaning as he was hunched forwards a bit, sitting down on the bed, placing his hands on his knees, as he lets out a breath, looking over at me. "can we cuddle princess?" he asks as i smile. "did you brush your teeth" i giggle out as he grabs my hips and slams me down on the bed, kissing my neck, sucking on a few sweet spots, as my eyes flutter shut.

he runs his hands down to my jeans and slightly rubs me through my pants as i let out a small moan at the contact. "y-y-you're sick" i whimper as i try to push him away.

"m' don't care. just let me love you bubs" he mumbles as i cave in, letting out a moan as he jerks his hands faster, sinking his teeth into my collar bone.

"gonna cum" i groan as i release into his hand as he coughs.

"even when your sick you're still horny" i chuckle.

"they don't call me hoenah for no reason"


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