i want you

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jonah woke up with tate laying by his side, he groaned and rolled over

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jonah woke up with tate laying by his side, he groaned and rolled over.

"fuck i'm late" he quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to see the other boys already eating.

he sighs and sits down.

"i'm sorry guys, i lost track of time" i smiles sadly. "your always losing track of time" jack grunts out.

"plus tate shouldn't even be here, she should be in wisconsin with her corona looking ass" zach spats our next.

jonah sighed. he knew no one liked tate, because everyone knew how she was.

she was rude, evil and jealous.

with tate there was no jorbyn.

they weren't allowed to talk or even associate with each other.

tate took up half jonahs mind and that's mainly because of how much stressed she caused.

the other half, was filled with a smart caring blonde, he wishes so much he could have.


"he's always late" daniel says with a roll of his eyes. i shrug my shoulders knowing not to say a word. "it's so annoying. he should be putting us first, then she comes along and just steals him from us. what a bitch" jack says.

"don't call her a bitch" i said. yes i hated her, but that was on a whole different level of disrespect.

"really? she's keeping jonah from you. the person that has your heart remember!?" jack yells at me.

i was about to say something when jonah came downstairs apologizing for being late.

a few minutes in, i look up to see jonah looking at me. i smile and look back down at my food.

it hurt a lot.

our communication was completely cut off when she was around. before tate there was an us.

there was kissing. there was cuddling, there was everything.

then quickly it just became nothing.

"hey babe" tate said coming down the stairs walking over to jonah to kiss him on the cheek.

i roll my eyes and continue to eat.

"i'm leaving" i say getting up and leaving the table, tears quickly start to fall out of my eyes as soon as i get up.

i wipe them away, but my walls were falling.

"corbyn" i hear someone yell. i turn around to see jonah. i sigh and continue up the stairs.

"please love wait" i blush at the pet name.

he grabs my wrist and turns me towards him.

"i don't want her" he says putting his forehead on mine. breath to breath. "i want you."

"you can't have me jo" i cry out.

he pulls away and cups my cheeks, eye to eye.

"yes i can" he smiles at me.

i pull away. i place my hands on his chest.

"i don't wanna be your tate jo"

"than be my corbyn."

i roll my eyes and force out a giggle once i feel myself being swept off my feet.

i feel my body get thrown onto the bed, then large hands wrap around me.

i turn over and look jonah in the eyes.

"tate took up so much of your time, i didn't think you had time for me" i smile sadly.

"she's not worth my time, but baby. you are" he smiles at me.

"break up with her" i whisper as i cuddle close.

"anything for my angel"

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