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i woke up this morning and i could just tell today was gonna be a bad day.

corbyn spent the night with his mom and dad in LA, as i had to sleep by myself.

i got up and walked over to the bathroom, as in the process i knocked over a picture of corbyn and i, our favorite picture, causing it to crack.

the pressure of everything was building up inside me and slowly releasing.

it caused me to over react to dumb things.

all i wanted right now was to hold corbyn, my little angel. he always made me feel better whenever i was anxious. i wanted to feel him close to me, telling me i was okay.

i wanted his head on my chest, feeling my heartbeat as it increased, because of my nerves. then he would kiss me, which would call me down.

currently i had none of that. corbyn hadn't texted me all day, which worried me to the slightest.

if only he knew how bad i needed him right now .

as i slipped on jeans a shirt, i walked downstairs to see corbyn in my oversized hoodie talking to daniel.

i smile and feel those stupid ass butterflies, which i hope never goes away in a lifetime.

"hi" corbyn says, turning his head to look at me. "you okay jo" i nod my head walking over to him.

i lay back on the couch and open my arms up with a sigh.

he smirks and places himself on my chest. fingers making circles on my shoulder.

i hold him tighter, wanting nothing but his affection.

he grunts as i squeeze him a little too hard.

"are you sure your okay" he asks me, tilting my head. "your kind of, cutting off my breathing airways" he giggles, cupping my cheeks.

"yeah i just, don't wanna let you." i mumble, looking into his beautiful brown orbs.

he smiles. "you don't have to" he speaks, placing his head on my chest wrapping his arm around my abdomen.

"i have to pee jonah" he said trying to sit up. i gripped him harder and pulled him into a kiss.

"jonah why are you holding on tighter? i have to use the bathroom" corbyn spoke.

i sighed a released my grip.

"what's wrong" he asks me. sitting up so he was straddling my lap. i place my hands on his hips.

"i just- i woke up this morning and it was just a bad fucking day. i knocked over our favorite picture of us, broke it. my shirts in side fucking out. and i just wanna hold you" i spoke as some tears slip past.

"baby" corbyn says. eyes watering himself. "you know you can hold me whenever? i like it when you hold. it makes me feel safe. and if your ever stressed just let me know...daddy" corbyn says whispering the last part.

my eyes go wide.

"oh you wanna play that game" i say. gripping his hips harder.

"wreck me"

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