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"i love him" i whisper to myself as i'm cuddled up on my bed, under my comforter. i miss him.

i cuddled close to be blankets as my head peaks out the window, of the hotel.

i let out a loud sigh as daniel comes out of the bathroom. "hey man" he smiles at me, me smiling back. "you going to the carnival tonight with us?" he asks as i nod my head with a soft smile.

"we're leaving at 12" he says before walking out of the room. i sit down on my bed, face in hands. tears fall down. "fuck i hate this" i whisper to myself. 

currently the boys and i are writing songs for our new album, but i'm no help. the only thing i can write about, is jonah.

"i want to be with you" i mumble, as my heart slightly breaks. we've been done for, for 2 months and i've never gotten over it.

the fans ruined our relationship, which is something i could never admit.

the cheating rumors.

the hate.

how he's too 'old for me" and i'm 'too young' for him.

we both decided it was for the best, but for me it wasn't. it caused so much more pain than before.

so much.



i woke up early the next day, with jack cuddled in my back. i roll my eyes and force myself out of bed. i pull out my phone and go to twitter. all i see is jorbyn edits, which makes my heart break a little more.

i sigh and put my phone away.

"jack get up" i says as i throw a pillow at him, causing a giggle to release from my mouth. "fuck why'd you do that" he groans sitting up.

"we leave at 12 dipshit. it's 11:45" i mumble.

he immediately gets up and rushes to the bathroom. he comes back out butt naked.

"jack!" i yell covering my eyes.

he laughs. "sorry forgot my phone"

i roll my eyes and walk out to the balcony, staring at the sky. corbyn loves the sky. i think to myself.

corbyn was my everything. i took his virginity, i took his heart as he took mine as well 2 years ago. he's always change himself for me, when i never asked. he always wanted to look his best around me and cuddle into me. memories.

then i get thrown out of my thoughts when i hear multiple knocks at my door.

"stop fucking knocking, 'i'm coming" i yell, while picking up my phone from my dresser.

jack comes running out of the bathroom fully clothed this time, hair dried and all.

i open the door and immediately so those eyes, immediately knowing it was corbyn.

he giggles. "you have no pants on" i look down and realized he was right. "fuck, be right back" i walk away as he comes into the room.

he looks at the bed, noticing both sides ruffled up and only one bed.

i see him frown, then walk out.

i sigh and slip on my pants.

i walk out of the room meeting eyes with all the boys. 

"let's book it" zach says, grabbing corbyn's hand and pulling him down the hallway and out the front doors.

as we all pile into the car, corbyn lays his head on my shoulder, pulling out his phone.

he goes to instagram and disables his instagram. i frown.

"why'd you do that" i whisper in his ear. he lifts his head up and looks me dead in the eyes.

"i'm sick of people saying the breakup was my fault" he says while turning away and looking out the window.

i sigh and pull out twitter.

it wasn't his fault.
💭: 321,236
likes: 676.3K

i put my phone away as we arrived to the fair. we all get out of the car, fans everywhere.

"how'd they know we were coming" jack growled pissed.

i ignore his question and look towards corbyn who's hiding behind my mom.

he's claustrophobic and hates when people surround him, something i learned from out past relationship. i walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him close.

fans go crazy, screaming vaguely.

"don't let go" he mumbles. i hold him tighter as he tucks his head into my neck. "never" i whisper.

i feel my neck getting wet, immediately knowing he's crying. "it's okay. your okay" i whisper, my hands running through his hair.

"i miss you" he mumbles as my heart swells.

"i miss you too" i speaks, kissing his cheek, i feel him smile.

he then lifts his head up and looks in my eyes.

"are we friends? or just ex-lovers" he asks.

"neither. you're mine." i tell him. he smiles and leans into my chest. i rub his back.

"i know it's been hard corbyn. breaks ups suck, but watching you turn into someone your not hurt even more" i speak.

"i only changed cause everyone was telling me to. they kept saying i wasn't good enough, i was too young. and i loved you. so i changed my point of view, cause i wanted to be with you, but it made things worse" he speaks, as his eyes water.

"i guess it was my fault" he mumbles. fiddling with his finger, one of his nervous habits.

"it wasn't. it was everyone who was telling you, you weren't good enough faults. you are perfect corbyn. you don't have to change, at all. when your with me there's no judgement. and never has been. you never had to dye your hair, because someone told you to, even though you look hot as fuck, but most importantly you didn't have to mature up. you didn't have to 'act your age' your 21.

your allowed to still be a kid corbyn. you stopped laughing, you stopped doing everything you loved, because of other people. when this whole time, you were perfect" i tell him.

"i'm sorry" he whispers as some tears fall.

"don't be. don't be at all" i speak. "and for what it's worth. your still perfect" i tell him as i cup my cheeks and kiss him, he kisses me back passionately as he wraps his arms around my neck.

we pull away, both forgetting about the fans who were all watching.

"friends?" corbyn asks, hand held out for a handshake.

i grab his hand and pull him close.

"boyfriends" i tell him as breaks out smiling.

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