tickets to my downfall

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"i'm leaving" jonah shouted from the front door while putting his shoes on. i mentally groan.

"where are you going" i ask, picking at my nails.

"out" he says before leaving and shutting the front door. a slowly sink down the back of it, tears slipping threw my eyes, as i bring my knees to my chest.

he's cheating on me

i let out a few sobs and a few screams, no one would hear me, i'm alone. but even if i wasn't, no one would still hear me.

i walk up to me and jonahs bedroom and throw the picture of us against the wall, shattering it.

i pull at my hair as sobs rack my body.

"how could you!" i yell to myself.

"you let yourself down corbyn. so damn worthless. if only you were better, he wouldn't be cheating on you!" i yelled as loud as i could.

i started to lose my breath as i collapsed to the floor. i could feel myself becoming weak, as i knew i was having a panic attack.

"i loved you" i sob out.

"corbyn? my love" i hear jonah say.

was i really crying for an hour?

"get away from me" i yell as i scoot away from him, trapping myself between him and the walls.

"babe no look at me. your okay. what's wrong" he smiles at me. i smile back. it's a habit.

"are you cheating on me?" i ask. clenching my fists, ready to punch him in the face.

"no" he says. but my fist had already made contact with his face. i gasp, in shock.

did i really just do that?

"corbyn what the fuck! i said no" he shouts as me. i cup his cheeks.

"i'm sorry. it was an initial reaction" i sigh out.

"why would you think that?" he asks me, pulling me into his lap.

"why would i ask that? oh i don't know, let's see. your always gone at ungodly hours. whenever i ask where your going, you always say "bye" without any context." i yell at him, beating at his chest.

"babe no. my family isn't making enough right now, so i took another job at a cafe, to help them" jonah sighs out.

"why didn't you tell me. i hated myself for the longest time, look" i say showing him my wrists. "oh my god angel" he says, pulling me into a hug.

"let me make it up to you" he says, picking me up. "how?" i ask.

he quickly throws me onto the bed, spreading my legs and crawling in between them.

he kisses my stomach and my wrists. "i'm so sorry love. never do this to yourself. i love you so much" he mumbles as he starts kissing my neck. i moan and i grab his shirt as he starts grinding down.

"jonah fuck" i moan.

"i'm gonna rock your world" he whispers into my ear, as he undos my belt. "fuck yes" i say, ready to be fucked.

he pulls down my pants and his own, leaving us both completely naked.

"so so pretty" he says as he slowly pushes in.

"so tight" he groans as he starts thrusting fast.

"fuck. don't stop- feels so good" i moan as i wrap my legs around him, body jerking with every thrust. "i love you so much. god, your so beautiful. i wouldn't want anyone else my love" he groans, thrusting harder.

"fuck fuck fuck daddy. give it to me" i moan. "i need more." i scream, as he hits my prostate.

"keep moaning like that baby, music to my ears" jonah says, head against corbyns.

"i need to cum so bad." i moan. as he thrusts deeper. "cum for daddy baby. cum for me. let me see your face when you do it" he says.

i immediately release and crunch the duvet in my hands. i'm left breathless as jonah cums deep within me.

he pulls out gently as i whimper.

"that was amazing" he says. pulling me close to hold me. "don't clean up. let's sleep. m'tired" i say, not caring if our bodies are covered in each others cum.

"okay baby. just know. your the only one i'm ever thinking about. don't ever take a blade to your wrist, when you don't feel good enough. i promise you, you are. i love endlessly" he says, wrapping his arms around my waist, as i bury my head into his warm chest.

"m' love you"

"love you so much more"

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