meet & greet

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       all i see is the angel on one side, devil on the other🔥💫

WARNING[S]⚠️: slight smut. fingering. blowjob.



i continue taking pictures with fans, as i look over to see jonah. his face red as his eyes glare into the back of my brain. i look down and pick at my fingers, knowing he was mad.

he then proceeds to walk over to me and grab my wrist.

"the hell is wrong with you" he angrily says, as i look at him with confusion.

"who gave you the right to look this hot" he smirks as he pulls us into the back room, shoving me against the wall. i moan at the contact. "i want you on your knees" he says. i look at him wide eyed, looking around the room. "in here?" i say in shock. he nods as he begins to unbuckle his pants.

i drop to my knees licking my lips as i tease him, licking the tip. he groans then suddenly wraps his hands in my hair. "take it" he groans. i smile and take him in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down as soft groans leave his mouth. "faster fuck" he groans forcing himself into his mouth.

i feel him hit the back of my throat as i moan. "i'm cumming shit" he says, as he releases his load into my mouth as i happily swallow it.

i wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close as his lower half grinds on my clothed cock.

"daddy" i moan as he shoves me against the wall one more time, hungrily attaching his lips to my neck, leaving marks. "daddy please" i groan, in pain. "shh" i mumbles as he pulls down my pants, lifting my back half off the wall as his finger slide into me. i arch my back at the pleasure, soft moans leaving my mouth as he adds another.

"tell me how you feel princess" he teases as sucks my jaw.

"m' your fingers feel so good." i whimper. "faster daddy please. i'm close"

jonah happily goes faster as whimpers leave my mouth. i wrap my arms around his neck, for support as i release myself onto jonah's lower half.

i collapse into his arms as holds me up, whispering sweet words into my ear. he lifts my legs up and lays me on the couch as he cleans us both off. he slips my pants on, as i never took off my shirt. "they probably wondering were we went" i giggle, as he lifts me off the couch, my legs around his waist.

"don't worry, they know"

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