bye dani

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EXTRA: not gonna lie, this is kind of a dorbyn one, but has jorbyn in it

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EXTRA: not gonna lie, this is kind of a dorbyn one, but has jorbyn in it. so stfu & read🤡


i felt lost and empty sitting on my bed, looking at the last picture daniel and i took together as tears fell down my face, my heart retching.

today was the funeral and it had been 2 weeks since i saw daniel. it had been 2 weeks since he held me in his arms, talking to me about jonah and i'd relationship problems. he always got me through it, through anything.

"baby" i hear jonah say from the doorway. "it's time to go angel" he mumbles. he walks over to me and gently takes the picture frame out of my hand, which causes me to break down, for the 4 time that week.

"shh baby, it's okay. he loved you so much" jonah says, rubbing his hands through my hair gently.

"we need to go bud. let's not be late" he smiles at me, as he kissed me forehead. i smile. i hold my hands out as he grabs them and pulls me up into his chest, i smile wrapping my arms around his torso. "beautiful" he whispers.


the boys and i have just arrived to the funeral and thousands where here. immediately as we got there i didn't wait a second, and made my way to his casket.

as i arrived, i saw him. i saw how peaceful and beautiful he looked laying there, eyes closed, and arms peacefully lasted down.

i let tears fall, as memories flooded through my mind. i then feel arms wrap around my waist. i smile knowing it was jonah, and i lean into him.

"i miss him so much" i whisper.

"i know. but he wouldn't want you upset. he wouldn't want any of us upset."


it was now 2 hours into the funeral and it was my turn to give a speech. i spent hours writing it, making sure it was perfect, short, but had everything i wanted to say to him.

as i make my way to the podium, daniel's mom stands up and gives me a hug. "you where his favorite" she whispers, causing tears to slip past my eyes, heartbreaking.

dear daniel,

it's been two weeks since i found id never see or hear from you again. 3 years and a half spent with you feels like 2 days when i compare it to now. september 26th was the day i realized i had to take on this cruel world without you by my side. death is werid bro, because i remember one moment we were talking and laughing, and the next your on your knees, crying and you couldn't breath.

all i have is memories of us, photos, and a lot of stupid ass vids, and that's it. you where a great person. a great best friend, and my brother. i love you so fucking much dani.

love, corbyn.


after the funeral and my emotional speech jonah and i had drove to the cemetery to see daniel, so we could place beautiful flowers on his grave sight.

as we both arrived we both kneeled down and sat the flowers on his grave gently.

"i love you daniel" jonah said, kissing his finger and placing them on the grave. i smile and stand up with jonah, as we interlock hands.

"bye dani"

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