paparazzi problems

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[based off the vid w one direction, where some bitch rat looking paparazzi fellow, knocks niall on the ground & zayn stands up for him🥺💞]

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[based off the vid w one direction, where some bitch rat looking paparazzi fellow, knocks niall on the ground & zayn stands up for him🥺💞]


"boys come on, we have to be at venue by 6" i hear our manager yell as i'm walking far behind everyone. i knew immediately after the airport location was leaked, fans would be here, let alone paparazzi and i wasn't exactly in the mood for that.

i slide my feet across the hard tile as we reach yelling fans, and demanding paparazzi people.

"corbyn, are you and jonah still together?"

"daniel, are you gonna dye your hair pink again?"

"jonah, what's your cats name?"

"jack, are u mad at zach sang for calling you out about biting your nails?"

"zach, do you still have strep"

i ignored all the questions being thrown my way, as i was being thrown in the crowd, from person to person. lights flashing, people yelling, as my nerves began to pick up.

"corbyn are you a virgin?" some man asked me as i kept pushing through the crowd. "did you have something to do with your moms death?" the man asked once again. i could feel myself starting panic. "answer my damn question" the man yells at me, as tears run down my face. crowd goes silent as all eyes are now on me. 

"just answer one question for me, i get payed for this ya know" he yells.

i try to walk away, but next thing i know i'm being shoved to the ground, butt sliding hard against the floor.

"hey!" i hear someone yell, immediately knowing it was jonah. i look up and see him running and pushing through the crowd.

he runs up to me and kneels in front. "baby hey, you're okay love" he says, pulling my head to his chest. "i wanna leave" i mumble.

"hey love. daniel is going to take you to the car? okay angel?" i nod my head agreeing with him, considering i just wanna sleep.

i feel daniel pick me up and take me to the car.

i quickly snuggle in the seat, falling asleep.

jonah's pov

"hey asshole" i yell pushing through the large amount of people, until i find the man that shoved corbyn. i became even more pissed as i made direct eye contact with him.

"you call me an asshole?" he asks immediately pulling out his camera.

i immediately take his camera and smash against the ground having no regrets.

"you're lucky i don't beat the shit out of you, for touching my boyfriend" i yell angrily. my temper rising as he smirks.

"not my fault he has the weight of a feather"

"not my fault y'all crowd the damn side walks, begging to have your questions answered? are you that damn desperate for attention you follow people around all day, recording their private space? then when u don't get what you want, you harass them until you get it? i ever see you in the streets, bitch your ass is done." i yell walking away having enough of the drama.

"will see who's the feather then" i smirk.

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