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"mm fuck jonah" i moan as he continues his kisses down my neck. "so so needy" he whispers in my ear beneath my ear lobe.

"fuck" i groan, as my hard on was beginning to hurt. i knew this was my first time and we should take it slow, but goddamn-

jonah then pulls down my pants as he locks his lips.

he looked up at me for reassurance when i nod my head. he then gently pulls my boxers down, and kisses my thigh.

"so beautiful like this" he moans.

"fuck me please" i groan. becoming impatient.

"okay love" he says spreading my legs, and living up his dick. "he slowly pushes in, knowing it was my first time. he then stops, and leans down to kiss me.

"fuck it hurts" i whimper out, feeling nothing but pain currently. "shh it's okay i got you love. i'm not gonna hurt. just try to relax. i'll stop anytime" he says softly, hands running my thighs.

"move" i mumble feeling the pain slightly go away. he then starts to thrust slow, as i let out short moans.

he goes soft and gentle, with his forehead on mine.

"ow fuck" i yell out, as i feel something run down my leg. jonah immediately sits up and looks in between my legs.

"fuck shit" he says. "i'm gonna pull out" i groan as he pulls out, and i sit up.

my eyes go wide as there's blood everywhere.

i cover my hands and face in embarrassment.

fuck. he popped my cherry. [let's pretend ok-]

i let a few tears slip down my face as i'm still bleeding. i look up to see jonah pacing around the room.

"i'm sorry" i say choking back a sob. he runs over to me and holds me in his arms.

"don't apologize baby boy. that's nonsense. it's not your fault okay? and don't be embarrassed it happens to every sub okay?" he says reassuring me.

"let's go get in a bath okay?" he says, i nod my head.

he picks me up bridal style and takes me to the bathroom.

he runs warm water than slowly places me in.

he gets in behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"your so beautiful you know that?" he says, hands rubbing my stomach. i lean back into him, so my head was on his shoulder and smile up at him.

"thank you, for not leaving me" i mumble, still embarrassed.

"baby, i would never leave you. you just bled, and that's okay. that's not reason for me to leave you okay? your too precious" jonah smiles kissing my head. i lean into his touch.

"sorry you didn't get to nut" i chuckle out.

jonah let's out a giggle.

"your worth not nutting for"

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