sad & sex

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i didn't know where, or how it all started, i just remember becoming sad

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i didn't know where, or how it all started, i just remember becoming sad.

i remember staying up all night talking to myself about my problems.

i remember crying myself to sleep as my boyfriend later beside me. i remember a lot of things, except the one thing that mad me sad.

it was 9pm on a saturday evening, when suddenly i felt my bed dip. i look up and make eyes with my boyfriend of 3 years.

as we stared at each other in awe, i remember how i was supposed to be sad. the voices kept telling me to be, so i quickly turned my smile into a frown.

jonah quickly noticing.

"hey babe, what's wrong" he says sliding his hand up under my shirt, rubbing it up and down for comfort.

he new it turned me on.

"i uh, um" i stutter out, feeling a hard on form. fuck.

jonah smirks and climbs on top of me straddling my waist. i quickly pull him into a kiss suddenly becoming rough.

jonah rolls his hips making me moan underneath him.

"fuck jonah" i moan out in complete haze.

"tell me how you feel baby" he says still rolling his hips while letting out small groans.

"i need you. please." i moan out. jonah quickly undos my belt taking my pants off. my hard on seen through my boxers. he starts rubbing me through my pants, making me throw my head back. "mm baby" he moans as i spread my legs for easy access. he licks his lips and pulls off my boxers and takes me all.

he deepthroats me until he feels me clench around him.

he comes back up and takes off all his clothes.

he smiles and thrusts in dry.

i moan out grabbing onto anything, i grab jonahs biceps holding onto them as he thrusts.

"fuck jonah faster" i moan out wrapping my legs around his waist, as i throw my arms around his neck, our bodies moving in motion.

"fuck baby, i could fuck you till the sun comes up, make love to you all night as your beautiful moans fill my room and the sound of skin clapping fills our minds." he groans out thrusting harder. he puts his forehead on mine, chest to chest as he moves his hips.

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