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to the good times and the bad ones💜




"no one ever wants to hang out with me" corbyn groans from his spot beside me on the couch, i laugh as i look at him.

"babe, your an international pop-star. everyone wants to hang out with you." i say as he pouts crawling onto my lap.

"i only need you though" he smiles as buries his head into my neck, wrapping his arms around my neck in the process pulling himself closer as i wrap my arms around his neck.

"you wanna watch the movie?" i ask him, as he shakes his head. "m' wanna stay like this" he says, words being muffled from being stuffed in my neck.

i rub my hands up and down his bare back as i felt him shiver, goosebumps covering his body. i get the blanket the once laid beside us, and wrapped it around both of us, as his head fell onto my shoulder, me holding him tighter.

"did you know i hit 2 million on instagram" he smiles, lifting his head up. i cup his cheeks and look him the eyes, a proud smile covering my face at how far he's come.

"i saw that baby and i'm so fucking proud of you" i say happily nudging our noses together as he places his head back on to shoulder, arms scrunched in between our bodies, as he straddles my like a baby, my heart exploding.

i continue to hold him, until i head soft lil whines coming for his mouth. "baby?" i say nudging him as whimpers once more.

i sit up alarmed as he screams, my heartbeat rushing, as i rub his pale face with my palms.

"love bug wake up" i gently say as he thrashes around arms curled up onto my shirt pulling me closer than ever.

i steady his every movement until his head shot open, his breathing rough as tears well up in his eyes. "hey baby boy it was just a nightmare" i softly tell him, as nods his head, checking out his surroundings. "i'm scared" he innocently says, placing his head on my forehead, letting out a shaky breath.

"hey. love bug, there's no reason to be scared when i'm with you okay" he tell him. "i'll always protect you okay? even from the bad guys" i smile as he nods his head, wrapping his arms around me, closing his eyes. "i love you bubba" is the last thing he says, before closing his star gazing eyes and heading into the night.

i wrap my arms around him, burying my head into his golden locks, as i interlock our hands.

"good night gorgeous"

a/n i been in bed all day and haven't done any school work, call me a straight A student or whatever😘😌🤌🏻

face reveal bitch. okay bye-

 okay bye-

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