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"corbyn i love you, but go hang out with your other friends, and quit trialing my every move. daniel's also your boyfriend. not just me" jonah patted his cheek gently.

the three boys had been in a relationship for the last 9 months.

corbyn turned away from jonah, his face holding a pout. he made his way to daniel who was standing out in the front of target.

he wrapped his arms around daniel's mid-section and rested his head against his back.

"what's the matter corbs?" daniel turned his head to see his cute, but sad boyfriend.

"jonah didn't want me to walk with him" corbyn pointed, feeling tears make their way to his eyes.

corbyn was very soft. he was innocent. corbyns innocence was something daniel loved.

"okay, well let's go find jonah" daniel pulled away from their friend group and grabbed corbyn's hand, wandering off into the store to find jonah.

they walked for a good 5 minutes in comfortable silence before finally finding the oldest boy, gathering snack for the bus.

"what did i tell you corbyn" jonah snapped.

"to go away. sorry i'll go" corbyn turned around, running into daniel as he tried to walk away.

"no, you can stay" daniel hugged corbyn. "what's the big deal if he walks with you?" daniel asked jonah.

"he's trailing my every move" jonah sighed.

"every other time you would want him on your tail, now you don't?" daniel asked, gripping corbyn's arm as he was trying to get away.

"come one corbs, your walking with me" daniel turned to look at him, giving him a soft smile.

"i just need some time to myself. just for a minute" jonah rolled his eyes.

"will give you longer than a minute" daniel rolled his eyes before grabbing corbyn's hand tighter and walking off in the direction of the tour bus.

"you want a drink before we get back on the baby" daniel asked as he looked at his obviously upset boyfriend.

corbyn nodded his head softly.

"okay, go get one" daniel nodded in the direction of the drink cooler.

corbyn grabbed a bottle of water and walked back over to daniel.

okay, come on" daniel placed his hand on the small of corbyn's back and nudged him forward gently.


as the boys arrived back on the bus, they walked on and saw all the boys sleeping. now all they were waiting for was jonah.

daniel was awake on his phone with corbyn on him, his head on his chest and sleeping soundly while clutching onto the bottle of water daniel had gotten him earlier.

soon jonah arrived on the bus, placing all the target stuff next to daniel and corbyn's seat.

"i'm sorry." jonah said to his blonde headed boyfriend.

"i'm not the one you need to be apologizing to" daniel motioned to corbyn. "and don't you dare wake up my baby" daniel swatted jonah's hand away.

jonah rolled his eyes and unlocked his phone. guilt washing through his veins, about what he had said to corbyn. the love of his life.

he knew how attached corbyn was to daniel. they did so much together because jonah was always busy keeping jack and zach in check and it made him feel bad, like really bad.

"dani in cold" corbyn whispered.

daniel smiled down at him before pulling his sweatshirt over his head and letting corbyn put in on.

corbyn felt like such a child.

"i'm sorry" he mumbled as tears fell. "i overreacted" jonah frowned.

"no you didn't baby, it's all my fault. i love you so much" jonah said laying his head on corbyn's chest, hand rubbing up his thigh.

"i love you"

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