instagram live

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"jonah hurry the fuck up, i don't want people to think i'm some lonely bitch who goes live just for entertainment" corbyn frowns, causing jonah to chuckle from the bathroom

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"jonah hurry the fuck up, i don't want people to think i'm some lonely bitch who goes live just for entertainment" corbyn frowns, causing jonah to chuckle from the bathroom.

"your such a dork" jonah speaks wrapping his arms around corbyn's waist. "let go of me" corbyn says, trying to squirm out of jonah's hold.

jonah held on tighter, laughing at the struggling boy. "no. i think i'll keep you here for a while" he smirks. "can we go live now" corbyn asks batting his eyelashes.

jonah releases him from his grip, and corbyn immediately runs to jonah's phone, starting the live. "hi my little cornbreads." corbyn speaks, as jonah laughs, still out of frame.

"you all may be wondering where jonah is. well to sum it up, he's naked right behind the camera whacking off his pp" corbyn speaks bursting into laughter.

"i am not fucking jacking off asswipe. i'm getting dressed" jonah shouts loud enough for everyone to hear him.

once he's dressed he walks over towards corbyn, who's placed at the end of the bed, talking to their supporters, face lit up and everything.

"hi love" jonah smiles, sitting behind corbyn, wrapping his arms around his waist, as corbyn leans into his touch. "hi" corbyn smiles.

by now the thousands off supporters where going crazy, as jonah and corbyn had not been out, but in this moment they didn't care.

"m'tired" corbyn says as a yawn erupts from his mouth. jonah picks him up and places him on the bed. corbyn immediately wrapping his arms around his abdomen, placing his head on his chest.

"corbyn where still live" jonah laughs out, looking at the phone. "me don't care. me wanna sleep. you don't move" corbyn yawns before shutting his eyes. as corbyn falls asleep, jonah starts talking to the camera, hands running through his blonde locks.

"we've been dating for a year now" jonah speaks, a smile taking place. "we wanted to wait a while until we came out ya know? corbyn was getting hate, my grandma had just died and we wanted things to get better. i wanted to make sure he was the one before telling everyone, and since i'm telling y'all he's the one. he's the one. the one i adore, the one my whole heart goes to.

i love corbyn with my whole heart. the connection we have is unbelievable and unbreakable. he's my angel" jonah speaks before falling asleep.

let's just say, that #jorbyn was trending on twitter the next day.

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