mad & distressed

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"leave me alone jonah" corbyn yelled behind him picking up his speed

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"leave me alone jonah" corbyn yelled behind him picking up his speed.

"look corbyn i'm sorry" jonah said running up to corbyn grabbing his wrist, so they could be face to face.

it took one look in corbyn eyes and jonah felt all the guilt suddenly making its way up and sitting in the pit of his throat.

"i'm sorry" he spoke. voice low.

corbyn sighed getting more aggravated by the second. he flared his arms around as he spoke.

"you choose HIM over me jonah? your own boyfriend! you know ashton hates my guts and you also know he thinks your extremely good looking and you took his side. that fucking hurts" corbyn yelled in pure disgust.

"i hate myself for it" jonah whispered.

"as you should" corbyn said, turning away and walking fast.

jonah wanted to stop him, but there was so much going through is head. he loved corbyn.

corbyn was getting more and more distressed by the second. he kept glancing behind him as he was walking to see if his lover was chasing after him. his heart broke. jonah was standing there, long distance away, staring at him.

corbyn could tell he was guilty, but it didn't make up for the fact jonah hurt him even if it wasn't his intention.

"i love you" he heard jonah yell. corbyn suddenly stopped, mouth agape.

he turned around and watched jonah.

"i have loved you since the day i saw you fall on your ass in the hallway. i have loved you since the day we started dating. i know i never said it, but i can't imagine what i would do if you'd walk away right now. you mean the world to mean love, your my baby boy. fuck your my angel and you know this"

corbyn walker closer to jonah, he never imagined someone like him would say those 8 letters to him, but damn it felt good.

all the pain, all the distress corbyn was feeling suddenly went away.

he walked up to jonah and crashed there bodies together, jonah embracing him in the best hug possible.

"jo. i got jealous. everyone loves ashton and no one likes me. so when you took side with him, i thought that meant you didn't like me anymore" corbyn spoke from his heart.

corbyn was vulnerable. his heart was fragile and so was mind. he always thought negatively about himself and jonah hated it.

in jonahs eyes, corbyn is perfect.

"baby no" jonah spoke, pulling away and cupping his lovers cheeks. "my heart belongs to you" he smiles. "i love you so much" he says crashing his lips against corbyns.

they pulled away for air.

"i love you too" corbyn said, placing his head on jonahs chest.

they stayed like that for what seemed like hours, jonah held him never wanting to let go, no matter how hard he tried, the love he had for the boy was timeless.

and all it took was for one little fight to get jonah to realize how much he truly loved the blonde boy.

and that was forever and always.

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