brother to lover

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"we can't do this anymore jonah

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"we can't do this anymore jonah. we'll get caught" corbyn said as jonah kissed a line of hickeys down his neck.

"just 5 more minutes" jonah whispered, pressing more kisses along his neck.

"our mom and dad are gonna come home and find us like this" corbyn moaned softly.

"do you want me to stop or something" jonah pulled away.

"no, but we have to for right now" corbyn said cupping jonah's cheeks.

he was just about to kiss him when he heard the sound of keys at the door, causing him to get up and sprint up the stairs to his room as if he was never there.

"hey jonah. where's your brother?" corbyn's mom asked.

"he's upstairs. probably sleeping or something." jonah shrugged.

jonah's dad and corbyn's mom we're getting married in less than a month. but jonah and corbyn loved to sneak off and fuck around with each other. corbyn said they needed to stop, but jonah only thought with his dick when it came to corbyn.

"okay. your dad and i are going out to eat later so y'all can order whatever" saskia said.

"oh okay" jonah said.

he pulled out his phone and sent a text to corbyn explaining how their parents where going out to eat and their make out session would resume as soon as they left.

"where's my dad?" jonah spoke soon realizing his dad was no were in sight.

"he just pulled onto the driveway."

and with that jonah got up and walked out side to the driveway. "can i have some money for corbyn and i to go out to eat?" jonah asked with hope coursing through his body.

his parents would be gone, which meant tonight was meant for the boy he loved so much, even if it was just his 'brother'.

his dad barely even looked at him as he pulled out a wade of cash handing it to jonah.

"thanks dad" jonah mumbled before walking away. jonah and his dad weren't close, they were far from it. jonah's dad was full of money so the only time jonah would truly talk to him was about money.

he wasn't a gold digger. his dad just didn't love him and he wasn't going to put in any effort if his dad wouldn't even try.

"bye saskia, enjoy your dinner" jonah said as his parents left.

he darted upstairs to find corbyn in the middle of the bed with his shirt already off.

he pounced on the bed and straddled corbyn's waist.

"now we're where we" jonah smirked.

"you were about to fuck me" corbyn said hope filling his body.

"can't do that right now sir, you and i have placesto be" jonah smiled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to corbyn's cheek.

"now get up" jonah said pulling corbyn up by the arms. he just collapsed in jonah's arms, making him let out involuntary 'awe's"

"you need to get dressed love" corbyn smiled at the words, he loved jonah's pet names for him.

"can't i just wear this?" corbyn asked pointing to his sweatshirt and sweatpants.

jonah giggled.

"hell nah. i want you looking fancy." jonah said pressing a kiss to corbyn's neck.

"why? you want me to dress up fancy so you can pretend this is a date?" corbyn teased.

"yes. and i am not pretending anything because this is a date. now hurry." jonah winked before jogging back down the stairs of his dads million dollar fucking mansion.


"these pants are fucking uncomfortable, i miss my sweatpants" corbyn whined as the server sat down their food.

"cry about it" jonah laughed.

"maybe i would, but every time i cry you comfort me, so don't say shit" corbyn teased.

jonah looked up and stuck his tongue out, causing both boys to laugh.

"ya know. your smile is so beautiful" jonah said causing corbyn to blush.

"thanks stepbro" corbyn teased.

jonah leaned over the table and whispered in corbyn's ear.

"i don't think stepbrothers fuck each other, nor fall in love with each other" jonah whispered.

"we don't fuck each other" corbyn smiled picking up his fork and taking a bite of his food. "you fuck me and that's it"

"well you suck my dick every night, doesn't change the fact stepbrothers don't do that, but i don't regret any of it" jonah smiled placing his hand on corbyn's.


"come on" jonah groaned.

"why the hell are you taking me in the middle of the woods. the date started off so good too." corbyn sighed out.

"thought it wasn't a date" jonah laughed.

"not anymore" corbyn whines.

jonah stopped walking and waited for corbyn who tripped over a rock and landed himself in jonah's arms.

"see" jonah smiled. "your meant to be in my arms" jonah said while placing a gentle kiss on corbyn's lips.

"why are we here" corbyn groaned.

"follow me" jonah said continuing to walk.

"what the fuck do you think i have been doing for the past 10 minu-" corbyn started, but right when he looked up the sight was beautiful.

there was a waterfall with sunflowers around it with a huge clear blue pond.

jonah smiled as corbyn's eyes lite up.

jonah places his arms around corbyn's waist from behind. "you like it" jonah asked.

corbyn smiled as some tears fell. he was so happy.

"i love it jonah" he smiled.

jonah walked them both towards the cliff. "w-w-what are y-y-you doing" corbyn stuttered out. "you tryna kill me" corbyn asked.

"yes now jump" jonah teased.

"i'll pass thanks, but ask me when i'm in one of my depressed moods" corbyn said with full seriousness. jonah frowned.

corbyn has had depression for the past 3 years, as jonah had just meant him, he wanted to help the boy.

he would go to therapy sessions with him and make-out with him in the bathrooms.

he would do anything to keep him happy.

"i don't care what mood your in. i would never ask that upon any one. especially you." jonah said. "i love you too much. i hate it. i understand your my brother, but all i wanna do is hold you in my arms and protect the living shit out of you. i wanna be more than brothers. i wanna be lovers" jonah said as a smile creeped on corbyn's face.

corbyn wrapped his arms around jonah's neck.

"i wanna be your everything" corbyn mumbled.

"you already are" jonah said, pulling corbyn closer while colliding their lips together.

"mm i love you" corbyn said leaning his head on jonah's chest.

"i love you so much more baby boy"

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