39 | Danger

347 35 0

AUGUST 24, 2018
5 AM

I have expected this to happen.

"This is what I talked about." Jin said as his eyes locked at Alphian's frozen body on the bed with the phone wrapped tightly in her hands. "Just because you didn't get enough daytime sleep, you became like this."

"This was the easiest rule you could have, why would you make it hard?" Jin shook his head, and sat beside her. "Why do you make yourself suffer?"

Jin pulled the blanket over her fragile and cold body before tapping her shoulders, transferring the heat from his body to her body. During the process, a loud release of breath came out of Alphian's mouth with her body releasing the air from the inside system, and Jin stopped.

"What are you dreaming right now, Alphian?" He asked. "If you really wanted to be with Hoseok, you should have rested well in the daytime, and wake up when it's night time."

His hand found its way to Alphian's Ruby ring wherein hers and Hoseok's life force are in it, and when his fingertips touched just the little side, a sparkle of black showed. The reaction made Jin speechless with his eyes widened. 

"Hoseok is in danger as well." Jin muttered in disbelief because Alphian's soul is unstable, and now Hoseok is lost as well. "What should I do, Alphian? I don't have the power between life and death."

He continued. "Hoseok's soul is out there. Only you can save him, Alphian. But the problem is, how could you? You won't even wake up from your dream."

A floating list of paper appeared in front of Jin. Before he could grab the paper, he once took a glimpse at Alphian, and his index finger pointed at her forehead trying to send her the mental message.

"He has sent the list of souls now. I have to go now, and you have to do this on your own. Wake up from that dream, and save your lover if you do not want his soul to disappear forever."

So much things have happened, Jin's mind is completely filled with thoughts that couldn't be comprehended in just a day

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So much things have happened, Jin's mind is completely filled with thoughts that couldn't be comprehended in just a day. He was absent minded that he didn't realise that a child was trying to talk to him, and at the same time, he was putting the black diamond ring on his finger.

"Did he just disappear in front of me?" A random child, who saw Jin's sudden disappearance, gasped. "A ghost?"

Jin still wasn't aware with his surroundings before a loud shout of 'Mommy!' echoes the room making the man flinch. He frowned, and looked at the child who seemed to be running away before he scowled.

"What's wrong with him?" He rolled his eyes before he continued his path, making his way towards the Emergency room.

As he stepped inside, countless soul were resting on top of the person's unconscious body yet none of them seemed to be the one with the name written on his list. He walked, and walked until screams of voices were heard. He snapped his head forward, people passing by him before his eyes landed on the little boy.

The little boy seemed confused by his surroundings, not knowing what happened to him. He seemed lost, and with that, Jin approached him with a smile.

"You seemed lost." Jin said before putting up a lollipop in front of the young boy. "Do you like this?"

The young boy nodded, and Jin grinned at him. "What is your name?"

Before the young boy could even reply, a man burst in the room, screaming a name.

"Jungyeon!" A man screamed in panic with people behind him, and Jin's eyes widened to see the famous singer of this generation, Jeon Jungkook.

"Daddy?" Jugyeon gasped before he smiled happily.

He had a child? Jin was shocked, and his heart broke even more. Even when he's been in this position for year, he still can't help but feel sympathy when in this situation. Such a young father losing his little one.

Jin's heart shattered when the man just passed through the little kid who thereafter was confused. Jin walked towards the kid, grabbing him. "Let's go."

"What happened? Why didn't daddy see me?" Jugyeon asked with teary eyes, and Jin pulled him into a hug.

"You will see your daddy soon, Jeon Jungyeon." He said before he pulled away from the kid. "But before that, would you like to make a wish before we go?"

The young boy shook his head. "No, I just want see mommy and daddy as soon as possible."

"Alright. That won't be a problem." Jin said before pressing his forehead. "Tell the one above that you want to go see your mommy and daddy again, okay?"

With that, the child nodded before Jin casted the spell to send him off. After a second, Jin stood up, and looked above. "I hope you reincarnate as a healthy kid, and be with your parents soon."



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