32 | Child

395 41 2

AUGUST 23, 2018
7:29 PM

Even when Alphian could feel herself distancing away from Hoseok even though they've made up already. She honestly felt guilty for everything even though these was what she wanted. All of these were all her wishes and wants, she wanted these even though it may appear as her greediness and selfishness in the eyes of others. The happiness, the love, the joy she finally felt, and owning Jung Hoseok was what she wanted to accomplish. She wanted to own every single happiness she could gather. 

A smile found its way to her lips when she glanced at her watch to see it's nearly time for her to talk to him again. It's finally 7:30 pm. Should she tell him the truth already? She honestly doesn't want that, and felt upset just by thinking about making Hoseok sad.

"Oh," She trailed, realizing that she almost left her phone at downstairs at the couch.

Alphian closed her eyes before batting her eyes open as she sighed. She turned around, stepping back down the stairs. She instantly marched towards the living room, seeing a little girl pressing her fingers on an object while happily giggling, talking to someone. 

"You're pretty!" The little girl giggled.

"And so are you." The man from the other line chuckled as well. Eyebrows met in confusion before she gasped, mouth agaped before running towards the little girl when she realised that she called someone from the phone.

"Yoona!" Alphian yelled, grabbing the phone away from her before tossing it across the room. She hastily grabbed the little girl by her shoulders as the girl's eyes became teary. 


"What were you doing?!" She growled, looking down at the little girl's level with her fire eyes glaring at her.

"Who was that mommy that it made you angry?" The little girl frowned before releasing a loud sob that could be heard from the other line that wasn't ended yet.

"Alphian? Yoona? What happened?" Jin, who just appeared, and entered the house, asked with demented expression when he heared Alphian screaming just from the outside, and seeing Yoona sobbing in his sight.

Jin's eyes landed at the phone that was near his feet before he bended down to grab it, and took a glimpse at the screen to reveal Hoseok's face with baffled expression. Jin's eyes widened in both question and shock before quickly pressing the end call.

"What happened?!" He questioned, feet moving towards the two. He grabbed Alphian's shoulder to receive an answer from the harsh treatment she gave to the little girl.

"What do I do, Jin?!" Alphian locked her eyes with Jin. She was obviously flabbergasted, and panicked with sweats streaming down her forehead in nervousness.

Jin took a glance at the little girl before his attention went back to Alphian. "How? Did she perhaps...?"

"Yoona." She sobbed. "What should I do? Did I break another rule? I wasn't the one who called Hoseok! How did she even managed to make a phone call when I tried several times before. I don't even know why Yoona was able to call Hoseok!"

"It must be His doing once again." Jin said.  "He's trying to reveal everything, one by one if you won't even tell Hoseok the truth."

"How?" She gasped. "I told Him not to interfere!"

Jin shook his head as he bent down, grabbing the little girl who was crying with her whole heart being scolded by her 'mother'. "He wants you to stay by his side as soon as possible. You know that."

He stood up, holding Joona tight in his arms before he sighed, and told her. "Cover your ears, and close your eyes, little girl."

Yoona nodded before covering her ears, and closing her eyes. She was too innocent to know anything, and it has been this way ever since she was young. Covering her ears while closing her eyes has been part of her routine whenever her uncle and mommy talk. That's why it's understandable in her part not to hear or see anything because it is one of those conversations that her uncle and mommy doesn't want her to hear or see.

"Let's talk about that later." Jin said before turning his back, walking towards the little girl's room.

"No, no, no. Jin, please tell me." Alphian repeatedly shook her head, and this made Jin scrunched his eyebrows, gritting his teeth while his arms got tighten around the girl's frail body. "No, please—"

A slap across Alphian's face landed making her stop, and speechless. She batted her eyes multiple times to analyse the situation before she looked back at Jin who was obviously furious.

"Get a hold of yourself, Alphian." Jin said through his gritted teeth. He didn't want to show his anger especially when the child is here. "Just because of a simple mistake doesn't mean you have the right to hurt a child."

"H-Hurt?" Alphian stuttered. "I could never h-hurt his—"

"I don't care about any of your decisions." Jin snarled. "Just don't involve the child."

Alphian huffed in disbelief before she let out a chuckle. "Said the one who wanted that child to die as well."

"Shut up," Jin hissed. "This is why you, and Hoseok could never be together."

AUTHOR'S NOTES: advance updates are available on HINOVEL.COM

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