21| Diamond

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AUGUST 4, 2018
7:30 PM

Helpless was what Hoseok feels as he gets agitated each time the clock ticks the long stick closer to 12, near 7:30 pm. Why is he always like this everytime he thinks about her? Why was he always either gets agitated or anxious? He knows he likes her, but can't he get use to this feeling? 

"It's nice to have this feeling." He trailed, and when the time came, he immediately texted the only contact in his phone.

My precious diamond.
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond 💎
Cringy, Hoseok.

I thought it's sweet and cute.
You deserve it, Diamond 💎

My Diamond 💎❤
We got endearment now?

You have no choice.
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond 💎
And why is that?

'Cause you're my girl.
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond 💎❤

You're blushing.
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond 💎

You really are. 😍
I love you 😆
seen7:30 pm

My Diamond 💎
I love you more.

Those words never failed to make him blush. He giggled like a teenager in love. "Why are you like this?"

My Diamond 💎
By the way, Hoseok?

Yes, baby?
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond 💎
I will be there soon.
Wait for me, okay?

What are you talking about?
seen 7:30 pm

My Diamond 💎
Promise me. I promise you, I will be there with you.

He hesitated, wondering what promise is she talking about. He was confused but despite that, he pursed his lips into thin line, before replying, hands tapping each letters with the words of promise.

Alright, I promise...
sent 7:31 pm

author's notes:

want to end this story soon. can't wait.

 can't wait

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now