9 | Mourn

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JULY 14, 2018
7:30 pm

Again, another evening came, Hoseok waited impatient for his alarm to go off, and buzz buzz him for him to know it's already time to text her— heck, he doesn't even need an alarm anymore since his body was reacting way too early than he thought. 

As he watched the wall clock reached 7:30 pm, he immediately jumped on the bed with the phone in his hands, eyes popped out to see any message but to no avail, he wasn't receiving any, and just decided to message her first once again. He ain't having any of that shit where he waits for her text, and just waste his one minute time.


Yah!!!! I asked
where were you??!
seen 7:30 pm

I was mourning.

Whose death?
seen 7:30 pm

Your death.

seen 7:30 pm

Just kidding, baby boy.

"What—" Hoseok blushed furiously at the sudden text of the mysterious girl, and his heart almost leaped out when his eyes landed on the word baby boy. Why does he seemed to like that name so much?

seen 7:30 pm

I was mourning my
neighborhood's cat.

What? Why?
seen 7:30 pm


Hoseok's eyes narrowed at the word typing, his heart beats so fast as he watched the clock move.

"Fu—" He almost cursed, and gritted his teeth. "25 seconds left!"

He died 2 months
after his owner died.

Why do would you
mourn a freaking cat?
seen 7:30 pm

Because I didn't get to
mourn the owner.

What owner?
sent 7:31 pm

"I swear!" Hoseok huffed, closing his eyes tightly in anger and flail his arms around at the thought of waiting for hours again.

Y'll why do u even like this book i dont get why 😂

a/n:Y'll why do u even like this book i dont get why 😂

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now