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AUGUST 23, 2018
5: 45 pm


Love can make one crazy. Believe it or not. It could lower one person's standard and break down oneself's dignity just so you could be with the person you love. Love is something you cannot describe with just one statement but could be with million sentences. Love is different in every way, and it could either break you, inspire you and other else.

"Can you give mommy and your aunt some time to talk, Yoona baby?" I asked, and she nodded with a smile before sitting down properly on the blanket prepared on the ground. She stayed silent, and that's how I really asked Yoona when I want to have some silent talk with my best friend.

I closed my eyes, trying to feel Yojoona's soul around even though I could never reach her, and never will I be able to because of my sins. I bit my lips, closing my eyes rather tightly again to prevent any tears streaming down my face.

Yojoona...I'm sorry. Although, I'm getting tired too but please let me be for a while. I can't let go, and I know I'm being selfish but bear with me please. You know that I want this, right? Everything is for myself, I know that but can't this at least be your reward for saving your own kind?

I want to be happy too, Yojoona. You already had your happiness, and please let me have it too. 

Do you desperately want to be together already? Did you ask Him for help, or is it His own will to change the flow I wanted? Please let me be for a while, and when I'm ready, I will let go. 

So please, just let me be happy for once.

"Mommy?" Yoona snapped me out of my thoughts before I took a glance at her. She wiped my tears when I didn't even realise I was already crying. "You're crying again, mommy."

I could feel her pouting at she pulled me into a hug and brushed my hair with her little fingertips. "Please don't cry no more, mommy."

"I can't stop my tears, Yoona." I honestly said as tears continue to stream. Why am I crying in front of a child? "I'm sorry, Yoona. I'm truly sorry."

"Alphian." A man's voice echoed in my ears, and my heart almost burst out of my chest as well as tears ran down even more.

I pulled away from Yoona, and looked above to see Jin. "You startled me!"

"Can't help it." He shrugged his shoulder before reaching out for Yoona. "Let's go now, Yoona. Your mommy still has some things to do. It's almost sunset."

My eyebrows furrowed, and looked at the sky, realising that it's really almost dark. Probably, it's almost 6 p.m. now. I still have an hour to rest myself before I drain my energy or else I would be losing my life without even realising it. I glanced at Jin, and he shook his head in disbelief. 

"You haven't been getting some daytime rest." He retaliated, picking Yoona up from the ground. "You need to rest if you really want to talk to him. I won't interrupt you this time because everything that is going on now is your choice."

Jin turned around with Yoona in her arms who seemed confused. She must be asking where they are going now, and I just waved at her goodbye. I turned around to looked down at the two tombs laying there, and bowed down for the last time.

"This will be the last time I will be seeing your tomb." I said before turning around.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: advance updates available on HINOVEL.COM


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