36 | Account

330 32 1

AUGUST 23, 2018

Ending the conversation on a whim must be Green's talent. Is what Hoseok thought knowing how she just left him out without replying the message he last sent once again. Though it's understandable since it has always been like that...but the question is why? Why do their conversation always end up with a one minute time limit?

"I should be thankful enough that there's a specific time that Green would talk to me rather than guessing and looking at the phone just to see when will her message arrive." Hoseok said.

"That reminds me," His eyes widened when he realised he missed out what he should've asked, and his whole body snapped.

"Aren't you the dumbest person alive, Jung Hoseok?" He groaned in disbelief. "You should've asked her about the child! Or if that woman is her!"

He stopped. "But I guess Green didn't want to talk about it since she didn't open up about the sudden phone call."

A pout formed on Hoseok's lips before laying down on the couch before he glanced at the clock. "I guess I have to wait another day again."


I sighed as I opened the door, revealing Yoona who was just playing with her toys. My heart dropped to my stomach just by seeing her, and it has been like that every damn time. I marched towards her in a gentle manner, watching her from behind, and judging from the situation, I guess Jin went out to do his job as Yoona was just by herself.

Why would you leave the child alone, Jin? I mentally facepalms myself.

Yoona, who must be surprised by the footsteps, stopped what she was doing and turned around to take a glimpse at me with her eyes widened.

"Our Yoona is so mature." I smiled, sitting down beside her, and patted her on the head. "She's already playing by herself without her Uncle."

"Yes..." She trailed of in a low tone. I guess she's still upset about what I did. "Uncle said that mommy will be back soon. That's why he left me here alone but he made sure that all the doors are locked."

My heart will always be in pain whenever she calls me mommy. How could a child be this innocent? How could I hurt such a beautiful child?

"Mommy is sorry." A whimper suddenly left my mouth, and without knowing, tears fell down on my eyes.

"It's okay, mommy." Yoona said, kneeling as she hugged me, trying to comfort me. "I should be the one saying sorry to you mommy because I was naughty."

"No, you aren't." I sniffled, and looked at her. "You aren't at fault here. I was just overwhelmed."

"It's okay, mommy." She tried to wipe my tears away. "I still love you no matter what."

I sniffled before locking my eyes with her. "Do you want to see your sister again?"

"I get to see my twin sister again?" She gasped, and I nodded before she stood up in excitement, and jumped happily making my chest tightened. What have I done to this child?

Two hours passed, and we arrived at my best friend's tomb along with a child's tomb. Yet along the way, Yoona kept on singing the song 'Muffin Man' since she knows that her twin sister likes the song as well. They actually both like the song, and I'm pretty sure Jin at least felt proud about them liking the song. That could be the only reason he could hang around for a little while. 

We sat down with the blanket spread on the grass, and Yoona laid down the flowers we bought on the way on her sister's tomb, and my best friend's tomb. 

"Hello aunt Yojoona! Hello, sister Joona!" Yoona happily said, waving at the tombs before her attention went to her sister's tomb. "Yojoona, It's me your twin sister, Yoona! How have you been? I'm fine together with mommy! Mommy said that I'll be able to see you soon as well, it's just we can't see each other for now because you are still sleeping there! I hope you'll wake up soon."

I pressed my lips into thin line just by thinking about lying to her. I mean how else could I explain death to an innocent child? I don't want to break her heart. I sighed, and frowned because besides the fact that Yoona doesn't know about real death, she never takes a look at my best friend's tomb. All she ever wanted was to see her twin sister, and I completely understand that. Hence, Yoona continued to blabber while giggling. 

"Yoona..." I trailed, trying to stop her, and looked at her.

"Mommy," She innocently smiled at me. "Was my sister pretty like me?"

I nodded, faking a smile. "Yes, your sister, Joona was so pretty like you."

"Do you perhaps have a picture of me and my twin sister when we were young, mommy?" She asked with those puppy eyes, and I froze.

"I g-guess?" I stuttered before grabbing my phone from my pocket. I got closer towards her for her to see as I opened my account. I opened the application, and searched for Green_26. I scrolled down to search some pictures since the account consists of childhood pictures of Yoona and Joona.

"Oh?" She gasped as she pointed at the screen. "Why does he seem familiar? Isn't he the pretty guy from back then?" 

"What?" I squeaked, and looked at where she was pointing at. It was when I realised that Hoseok was in the profile picture, and she and Hoseok met each other via video call.

 It was when I realised that Hoseok was in the profile picture, and she and Hoseok met each other via video call

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