28 | First Fight

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AUGUST 20, 2018

I thought I could pull it through. Said Hoseok in his mind, but no, he can't. There's something off about this situation like how could it be that he has no friends visiting him, and he has never had the guts to leave his house? Because even if he tried, it would it end a dream only. It was confusing for him, hence what's more confusing was especially his feelings. What could it be? It felt like he has  had these kinds of feelings before but at the same time, he has.

Hoseok stared at his clock, thinking about Green who has been distant these days. No, it has been weeks since the confession, and ever since then, he felt like there's a problem between the two of them. He feels like there's a gap, a barrier between the two of them because Green has been acting strange the way she texts, and he could never figure that out.

In a blink of an eye, the long stick passes through the time where he and Green would usually talk, and without any hesitation, he picked up his phone. He strolled his message, and soon enough, Green's message popped out.

My Diamond 💎♥️ to Greenie 💖

Greenie 💖
Hoseokie, hi.
seen 7:30 pm

Hello to you too.
How are you, my love?
seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
I'm good, Hoseokie.
What about you?
How have you been?
seen 7:30 pm

Haha. You're talking as
if we've never talked like
every single day.
seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
And you're talking as if
you never want to
talk to me ever again.
You must be tired of me.
seen 7:30 pm

Hoseok's eyes widened by the sudden message Green sent to him. He abruptly sat up, focusing on typing as he forgets the time passing by on each tick of the clock.

What?! I never said that!
seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
You're acting as if
you want to get rid of me.
seen 7:30 pm

Green! I didn't say that!
I mean I wasn't implying
something like what
you're thinking right now!
seen 7:30 pm

Greenie 💖
It looks like to me that,
that is the case.
seen 7:30 pm

Hoseok gulped down his saliva, trying to wet his throat as he stared at his phone. He was speechless, not knowing what to response until he got another message from Green again that makes him cuss with all his might.

Greenie 💖
No. Don't talk to me
for a while.
seen 7:30 pm

Green! What are you saying?!
sent 7:31 pm

"Fuck!" Hoseok yelled, smashing his phone on the ground before he gasped, realising that was a mistake.

He jumped on the floor, grabbing the phone and sighed in relief when the phone is still working. No scratches or damage done which he was so thankful about.

An exasperated sigh left his mouth as he bit his bottom lip in anger. That was it. Hoseok was left unseen by Green, and she never intends to talk to him anyway. She basically misunderstood him, and because of that, Hoseok was doubting more and more.

This is the first fight that ever happened between Hoseok and Green.

This is the first fight that ever happened between Hoseok and Green

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now