34 | The Song

345 45 1

AUGUST 22, 2018


"You must be wondering why your mommy was being like that." I said in a low tone, trying to cheer up the little girl in my arms, and covering her with the thick blanket.

After what happened, Yoona has been sobbing like crazy even though I know she was trying hard to supress her sniffles. This child, I don't know what's with her but she's too mature for her age. With just being a 4 year old child, she's already trying to hide her tears in front of other people just because she didn't want to make them furious. 

Yoona choked on her sobs, hands covering her eyes. "Did I make mommy mad, uncle?" 

I exasperated, trying to wipe to little girl's eyes. "No, no, darling. Your mommy isn't mad, she is just upset. Don't think about it anymore."

"I upset her?" Yoona pouted, about to cry again, and I hushed her, wrapping my arms around her. 

What did this child even do for Alphian to be like this? So what if she was able to call Hoseok through the phone, it must be His plan after all. No one is at fault, not even this child. How immature of you, Alphian.

"Young child, don't cry no more." I said, brushing my hands on her hair as a comfort. 

Why involve this child? If she could've went along with them, if only Alphian didn't save this child, nothing like this would've happened. This child could've been happilly running around the white clouds together with them. She could've run around with either a toy, flower or even balloons in her arms while playing in the White Garden instead of being here sobbing over her accidental mistakes. Why are you making things worse than it is, Alphian? You're even torturing yourself just by having this child around you.

"Uncle," She sniffles, and squirmed underneath the blankets. "Can you sing me a song?"

"What song?" I asked.

"M-Muffin man." She stammered making me flinch. "Mommy always sings that song before I go to sleep."

I've heard Alphian sings that to Yoona multiple times but it still makes me wince whenever someone mentions that song name. Why do you say? Because that song brings a thousand sins that could not be reverted back, it holds back multiple souls that could not be in peace, and even cause someone's life to be exchanged. If only I could change back time, I wouldn't have done it.

I gulped, and laughed nervously. "Man, I don't even know how to sing."

"That's a lie!" She huffed before sitting up, releasing herself from my arms. "Mommy said you have the nicest voice that you could be a singer!"

"A singer." I chuckled, sitting up as well and petting her head. "I guess, I used to be."

Her eyes were filled in anticipation that I couldn't deny the cuteness this child have that made me sighed in defeat. 

"Muffin man was it?" She nodded before lying on the bed, and tapping the sheets beside her. I laid down, and the words with the hum of melody came out of my mouth.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I'm still wondering if someone is still interested in this story :( I'm updating a lot on HINOVEL.COM, and no one is even reading there :(

COM, and no one is even reading there :(

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