19 | Dream

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AUGUST 3, 2018

"I'm so sorry." Hoseok cried, tears streaming like a river as he dropped on his knees, gripping the object on his hands. "I can't do this anymore."

"I really want—no, I really desperately need you." He screamed. "What should I do for you to see me?"

"Do this?" He pointed the gun to his head, and glaring at the same time with sweats of beads rolling down. 

Even with all the screams, silence filled the room and no answers were given. 

"If that's what you want, then I'll do it!"

With that said, he brought the gun on the side of his head, pulling the trigger

"AHHH!!!" Hoseok screamed, sitting up as he panted, gasping for air. He looked around in panic to see he was still in his room as he breathed in and out.

What was that? Hoseok asked himself, eyebrows knit together before his hands travelled to his cheeks, feeling warmness.

It was tears.

Why was he crying?  He doesn't even know nor even remember why he screamed. Did he have a horrible dream again? A nightmare? What was it? What was he dreaming about that brought him into tears? 

The man was horrified, something inside him felt empty. He felt a barrel of knife attacking his entire body, feeling the pain all over as his head ached for a minute. He couldn't even breathe properly as if his lungs was filled with water, and tried so hard to take a deep breath in and out. 

Why was he even panicking in the first place? 

Sooner or later, he calmed down with the aches all gone now.  He then took a glimpse at the digital clock to see it was still 3 in the morning, and yet again, he woke up because of a nightmare he couldn't even remember. He pulled his knees towards his chest, wrapping his arms around it as his heart twisted at the unknown pain.

Even tears started prickling down and tickling his cheeks in annoyance. What is he even crying about? He doesn't have any single idea.

All he knows was that he was suffering unbearable pain against his chest to the point of crying all over again. He was hurting.

"Where are you?" He whimpered, not knowing who he was talking about.

He continued to cry in pain. "I really need you right now."

author's notes:

I want to finish this story as much as I could so bear with me. I have a plot with me now.

 I have a plot with me now

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now