16| Real

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JULY 31, 2018
7:30 PM

Eight days, it has been exactly a week and a day since the girl texted Hoseok and it was driving him mad. The next second, he would grumble about the woman not texting him then the next minute, he would go spamming her despite the messages not being sent. There wouldn't be any loss if he text her or spam her, right? He was hoping she would get the message but hence not communicating for eight days, Hoseok couldn't seemed to forget about the woman even though they have only communicated for days.

"This is worst!" Hoseok groaned, leaning on the sofa. Why wouldn't she text him for a few days? What could be the important thing that she wouldn't even talk to him? Is she mourning someone this time? That's a long one, and if she did, she would've messaged him or told him about it.

"I mean come'on." He snarled at himself.

The only friend Hoseok has was the girl, and it was giving him comfort. His friends, not that he can remember but he knows that he had one, haven't been visiting him. Like literal, no one even came to check on him.

When the clock hits 7:30 PM, Hoseok's smile falters as it has been hours since he has been spamming yet his messages couldn't even go through. It's not that his signal is bad either.

It's driving me crazy.
message failed to send

I don't know. I'm confused.
message failed to send

I've been having a
lot of nightmares.
message failed to send

Because of that, I'm afraid of going out of the house.
message failed to send

I don't know which is real anymore.
message failed to send

Hoseok released a heavily sigh as he slumped back on the couch, hands caressing his phone.

He does miss her a lot.

author's notes:

I haven't updating this so i updated a lot.

I haven't updating this so i updated a lot

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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now