40 | Past

487 33 3

AUGUST 23, 2018

8 AM

As Jin walked by the hospital lobby to see the last soul for today, a melody stopped his tracks, and his heart twisted just by hearing it again. Even when it still hurts him, a smile appeared on his lips because such music brings back the good and bad memories at the same time. "Muffin man...huh."

"Master," A junior called him with respect, and stood beside him while looking around for the familiar song. "Isn't that your song? You were the one who created it in your past life, right?"

Jin chuckled in disbelief before turning away from the sound, and leaving the Junior behind. It's funny how they're singing the song so happilly when they don't know the story behind just to release that song.


Two siblings were depending on each other to survive the poverty in the middle of the country. Seokjin was a songwriter, and was trying to survive with his sister. Both of them were just relying on the money that they have by selling Seokjin's songs. He wanted to be a singer but they were too poor, and no one would recruit such thing. 

"What?!" Seokjin squeaked as his eyes locked with the man. "Why? Why won't you let me play it? I gave you money already!"

"Aren't you the man who sells his music to other artists?" The man chuckled in sarcasm before he sneered. "Why are you trying to sing now? That's a children song. Do you expect people to hear it?"

"It's not just a song—"

"Right," The man interrupted him. "It's a song with hidden messages about this area. Living in poverty, gambling, criminality, and with girls being sent to brothels."

"It's just a song about a muffin man!" Seokjin retaliated. No matter what he explained, no matter lies he spout, everyone knows the true meaning behind such children song.

"That reminds me..." Another man snickered. "You have a sister right? Why don't we—"

"No way!" Seokjin shouted, and launched a punch on the man who just almost insulted his sister. 

Who does he think of sending my sister to the brothel? Seokjin mentally scowled.

Both man were surprised, and without any seconds, a blood shed fight made its way. Clearly, Seokjin was the one losing the fight. He couldn't handle two massive men alone with no one helping him.

"This is reality, kid." The man spat at him before he turned around together with the other man, and leaving the bloody—almost lifeless Kim Seokjin.

When Seokjin regained his consciousness, his eyes immediately locked at the building of the radio station that was just across the road. He whimpered. "The almighty of heavens, if you really are true up there, please help me have stength to at least play my music for her."

Few minutes later, he managed to gain strength, he tried his best to stand up because the goal for today was to either let his song be played or let his song be sold. With the little energy he have, little by little, he made his way across the road. And when he was about to enter, a man bumped into him with confusion written on his face.

"What the hell happened to you?" The random man asked, and grabbed Seokjin by his shoulder to help him up.

Seokjin snivelled. "Please help me play this."

"What's this?" The man raised his eyebrow, grabbing the paper with the tittle "Muffin Man."

"Let me sing this, please." Seokjin cried. "My sister wants to hear this."

And when that happened, it turned out that the man he met was the owner of the famous radio broadcasting, and the two men who beated Seokjin up were sent to prison when the owner found out they were exploiting moneys through using the radio station. In the end, Seokjin get to play the song, and in return for the owner's employees of beating the young man, he prepared the set for the music. 

The tone of the music was just easy to remember because it's just repeated over and over again, and made it easier for musicians to play it. Thus, begin with Seokjin on the chair with microphone near his mouth. He took a deep breath while waiting for the broadcaster to announce.

"Miss Kim Seonie, I would like you to listen to this song as your brother requested this. Now please welcome, Kim Seokjin with the song Muffin man."

Seokjin started to go along with the hum of music, and started to song.

"Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man.Do you know the muffin man who lives in Drury Lane?"

He paused, and took a deep breath before he continued to sing the lines with a smile on his face. Though his sister can't see him right now, he still wants to convey the song with happiness so that his sister can feel his songs through it.

"Yes, I know the muffin man. The muffin man, the muffin man.Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, who lives in Drury Lane."

Even in his injured state, he managed to sing the song, flawlessly. And the owner who was listening the whole time was amazed. He was surprised by the man's voice, and at the same time, he was astounded by Seokjin who was just singing and writing a song but conveying the reality of where he lives. The owner, along with the employees, knew the meaning behind the song. Though, Seokjin explained that his sister just like muffins and always looked out for the muffin man, they know that it wasn't all about just that. Others may not know but those who lives in this area knows the meaning behind this children song.

"If people happens to hear the song, they may either cry with tears or jumped around happily." The owner muttered under his breath. "This song will be a hit to those who doesn't know the meaning. A joyful children song with meaningful meaning behind. Amazing."

The owner clapped at Seokjin as soon as he got out of the room, and shook his hands. He looked at Seokjin's state who was still injured because he refused treament, and just went straight ahead of singing. He didn't bother to ask the young man why. 

"Thank you so much for everything." Seokjin bowed, before handing him an envelope. "This is my life savings. Please take it."

"What?" The man was taken back. "I don't reall—"

"I have no used of it anymore." Seokjin said in a low tone. "Just please take it."

With hesitation, the man just grabbed the money, and Seokjin left the radio station without any traces.


"I miss my sister." Jin sighed, continuing to look for the soul that was written on the list. 



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