35 | Knowing Her

372 36 0

AUGUST 23, 2018
7:30 PM


Sorry for being this way. It was what Hoseok wanted to say yet he was afraid that he might say something that might upset Green again, and he doesn't like that to happen. Hoseok was bombarded with questions, and it kept on running nonstop around his mind. He just wanted to clarify what upsets her, and it's not like he intended to mean what he said in the other way. He was just teasing her yet Green understood it the other way.

Besides that, who was that kid? Who was that woman? Was the one who yelled really is Green? If she was, was that really her daughter? Maybe I should talk to her about it.

Greenie 💖
Hi. I'm here for you.

Hoseok flinched when a message appeared on his screen before he quickly opened it.

Greenie 💖
Hi I'm here for you.
That's what I should've said when I first texted you.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Rather than that,
why don't you just text me,
"I'll be here for you."
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
seen 7:30 p.m.

Reassure me, that you'll always be here for me please.
Please don't leave me, Green.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
Do you want to know more about me?
seen 7:30 p.m.

Hoseok's eyes went wide, mouth agape as he was astounded by the sudden introduction. Of course he knows that Green wasn't even his lover's real name but to think that Green would be the one to initiate it, his heart burst. He didn't even mind about the statements and questions he wanted to say and was instead focused on getting to know her.

Yes, I want to know
more about you, Green.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
Call me Alphian. 
I told you my real name now.
seen 7:30 p.m.

No, you will always be my green. 
A green one that sprouts under the sun.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
No matter how sweet that sound, 
It's still cliche, Jung Hoseok.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Hoseok's heart pumped as a smile was clearly written on his face knowing that Green—no, Alphian isn't mad at him anymore. He doesn't want to let this happiness go once again, and no matter what, he won't disappoint her again. He will never upset his lover.

I'm you sunshine. 
Now tell me more about you. 
Considering how you know most of me already.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
Anyway, my name is Alphian Gonzales.
seen 7:30 p.m. 

Why don't you have korean name?
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
I go by that
rather than having a
korean name.
seen 7:30 p.m. 

No matter what name you go to, 
you'll end up being with me anyway.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
Where did that lines
even come from?
seen 7:30 p.m.

I'm just kidding!
I was trying to be sweet.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Greenie 💖
Then, no matter how dull 
or sweet you are, 
I'm always yours.
seen 7:30 p.m.

Hoseok's face flushed, cheeks tinted as red as a chilli pepper. He took a deep breath before letting out the words. "Oh my, I'm really in love."

It's as if she really took his breath away.



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7:30 PM | jung hoseokWhere stories live. Discover now